Christof Fetzer received his Ph.D. from UC San Diego (1997). As a student he received a two-year scholarship from the DAAD and won two best student paper awards (SRDS and DSN). He was a finalist of the 1998 Council of Graduate Schools/UMI distinguished dissertation award and won an IEE mather premium in 1999. Dr. Fetzer joined AT&T Labs-Research in August 1999 and was a principal member of technical staff until March 2004. Since April 2004, he is head of the Systems Engineering Chair in the Computer Science Department at the Dresden University of Technology. He is the chair of the Distributed Systems Engineering International Masters Program at the Computer Science Department. Prof. Dr. Fetzer has published over 130 research papers in the field of dependable systems.
Phone: +49 351 463-39709
Office: APB 3104
Consultation: Appointment by arrangement
Mail Address:
Prof. Dr. Christof Fetzer
Lehrstuhl Systems Engineering
Fakultät Informatik
Technische Universität Dresden
01062 Dresden
Thesis Topics
I have defined a few new thesis topics. Please have a look at (Topic Offers).
We are hiring!
I have several open PhD students / PostDoc / programmer positions. Please send me an email if you are interested in a position.
Research interests
- Confidential Computing
- Dependable systems
- Distributed Systems
Prof. Dr. Fetzer has published over 130 research papers in the field of dependable systems and is a member of the following program committees.
For the last years, my group has been developing the SCONE platfporm
Selected Papers
SCONE: Secure Linux Containers with Intel SGX, Sergei Arnautov, Bohdan Trach, Franz Gregor, Thomas Knauth, et al, OSDI 2016.
- HardPaxos: Replication Hardened Against Hardware Errors, (Diogo Behrens, Dmitrii Kuvaiskii, Christof Fetzer), The 33rd IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2014), Nara, Japan. (Best paper award)
- PowerCass: Energy Efficient, Consistent Hashing Based Storage for Micro Clouds Based Infrastructure (Frezewd Lemma Tena, Thomas Knauth, Christof Fetzer), In IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, IEEE, 2014. (Best student paper award)
- dsync: Efficient Block-wise Synchronization of Multi-Gigabyte Binary Data (Thomas Knauth, Christof Fetzer), In Large Installation and System Administration Conference (LISA), USENIX, 2013. (Best paper award)
- StreamHub: A Massively Parallel Architecture for High-performance Content-based Publish/Subscribe (Raphaël Barazzutti, Pascal Felber, Christof Fetzer, Emanuel Onica, Jean-François Pineau, Marcelo Pasin, Etienne Rivière, Stefan Weigert), In Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-based Systems, ACM, 2013. (Best paper award)
For all my publications, have look here.