Nov 12, 2020
Christian Gärber: Design and Realization of a FPGA-based Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) (Bachelor thesis))
27.11.2020, 10.00 am
Invitation to the presentation of Mr. Christian Gärber
Topic: Design and Realization of a FPGA-based Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC)
Project: Bachelor thesis
Supervisor: Gökhan Akgün
Abstract: When distributing applications on FPGA-based systems, it is common to realize them adapted to the operating systems underlying the implementation. However, there are also independent realizations of systems on FPGA architectures, which were designed without underlying operating systems. In these cases it is therefore necessary that the application distribution is handled by independent software. In the context of this bachelor thesis a software for application distribution on a multi-processor system-on-chip was developed. At the same time the underlying FPGA-based hardware was realized. This consists of a master-slave architecture based on Xilinx Microblaze softcore processors. The software is capable of handling the distribution vorkonfigurierter applications, with this distribution being on the master processor stattfindet, while the slave processors handle the actual execution of the application. The subsequent evaluation using an implementation of matrix multiplication has shown that the realized application distribution can both accelerate execution time and reduce the amount of energy consumed.