Mar 22, 2021
Mohamed Naeim: Investigating Chisel programming language for hardware development (Project work)
25.03.2021, 14:00 pm
Invitation to the presentation of Mr. Mohamed Naeim
Topic: Investigating Chisel programming language for hardware development
Project: Projektarbeit
Supervisors: Muhammad Ali, Pedram Amini Rad
Abstract: This work investigates Chisel programming language for hardware development. Chisel is a hardware description language (HDL) that is used to generate advanced circuits and designs for both FPGA and ASIC platforms. Chisel is embedded in Scala programming language this allows raising the level of hardware abstraction by providing concepts like object-orientation, functional programming and parameterized types, etc. In this work, the student needs to investigate Chisel programming and develop different hardware modules to test the hardware development process. The student also needs to develop the same hardware modules in Verilog to have a comparison with a mainstream HDL. The test case hardware modules can be any typical designs e.g. full adder, matrix multiplication, FIR filter, etc. The student should test the hardware developed for Chisel and Verilog for FPGA. An area and power consumption comparison should be made for the FPGA platform using both HDL. The student should differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of using Chisel over Verilog and state them using experimental results or references. Finally, the student needs to document his implementation and findings.