Mar 14, 2022
War in Ukraine – Call for donations for affected students and researchers of TUD
Dear members of TU Dresden,
The war in Ukraine has brought unimaginable suffering to the people of the region and has forced many of them to flee. It also causes financial hardship for students, staff and researchers at our TU Dresden.
We want to express our unwavering solidarity to all members of our university who are affected by the consequences of the war and support them in a quick and uncomplicated way. Therefore, the Association of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden (GFF) has established a relief fund and is calling for donations. These donations are primarily intended for Ukrainians to enable them to successfully complete their studies in Germany. They will also be used to help people from Russia and Belarus who are experiencing financial hardship through no fault of their own as a result of the sanctions.
I would like to encourage you to participate in the fundraising campaign and support your fellow students and colleagues who have been affected by the war - even a small amount helps immensely!
You can donate to:
Gesellschaft von Freunden und Förderern der TU Dresden e. V.
IBAN: DE37 8508 0000 0468 0674 00
Reference: Ukraine Hilfe
Or via Paypal
More information on the Ukraine relief fund is available on the GFF website.
There are many more opportunities for support. The website of the WE-CARE point of contact provides extensive information such as first points of contact and assistance for refugees. If you want to help, you will find many links there. The website is being continuously updated. One of the most recent addition are the degree programs available to refugees.
Regarding the accommodation of relatives and friends of TUD members who had to flee, we kindly ask you to contact the City of Dresden. They now coordinate all issues relating to the safe admission of refugees and centrally organize offers and requests for accommodation.
On behalf of the GFF, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your support. We wish you all strength in this distressing time.
Kind regards,
Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger