Christoph Haberstroh

Herr Prof. Dr.rer.nat. et Ing.habil. Christoph Haberstroh
- Leiter Kryotechnik -
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Curriculum Vitae
Qualification: |
Studies | 1981-1988 | Student of physics University Erlangen-Nuernberg |
Graduation | 1988-1993 | Ph.D. at the Institute of Applied Physics, University Erlangen-Nuernberg; Thesis Advisor: Prof. R. Helbig (Material characterization of SiC(6H), SiC(4H) and SiC(15R) - crystals using low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy in the band-gap region). |
2009 | Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification, TU Dresden (Thesis: Helium Liquefaction and Liquid Helium Supply) | |
Foreign languages | English; some French, a little Swedish |
Employment: |
1986 | Siemens AG, Erlangen (Sensor development) | |
1993-1994 | Scientific Assistant University Erlangen-Nuernberg | |
since 1994 | Technical University Dresden |
Current Activities and Responsibilities
Head of the Cryogenic Group at the Bitzer Chair of Refrigeration, Cryogenics and Compressor Technology
- Definition of projects and focus of research
- Project implementation (national and international funding projects; co-operation with industry)
- Low temperature laboratory, incl. liquid hydrogen safety test area
- Tutoring student work and Ph.D. theses, graduate schools
- Peer review processes
- National and international scientific contacts and co-operation
- Member / Board Member of DKV, DWV, DIN working group
Person in charge for the TU Dresden Central Helium Facility
- Liquefaction plant and operation
- Co-ordination of service / machine shop staff / financial affair
- Organisation of the helium and liquid nitrogen distribution system
- Cryogenic consulting and advisory for other institutes
Teaching Assignment:
- Cryogenic Technology (in German)
- Liquefaction, Liquid Hydrogen Technology (in German or English)
- European Course of Cryogenics (in English)
- External courses and tutorials (in German or English)
Focus of Research:
- Liquid Helium Technology and Helium Liquefaction
- Hydrogen Technology and hydrogen liquefaction; ortho-para conversion
- Cryogenic thermal insulation; transfer lines
- Special Applications and Problems (Neon, Taconis Oscillations, Contaminations)
- Lei, Z.; Yang, X.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Pulko, B.; Odenbach, St.; Eckert, K.: Space- and time-resolved interferometric measurements of the thermal boundary layer at a periodically magnetized gadolinium plate. Sept. 2014 submitted to: Int. J. of Refrig. (pending)
- Ludwig, M.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Hesse, U.: Exergy and cost analyses of hydrogen-based energy storage pathways for residual load management. World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Korea, 2014
- Haberstroh, Ch.: The European Course of Cryogenics. Europ. Cryogenics Day, Rutherford Appleton Lab., UK, May 29, 2014
- Langebach, R.; Klaus, M.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Hesse, U.: Magnetocaloric Cooling Near Room Temperature - A Status Quo with Respect to Household Refrigeration. To be published in: Proc. 15th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, Purdue, July 2014
- Funke, Th.; Haberstroh, Ch.: A calorimeter for measurements of multilayer insulation at variable cold temperature. to be published in: Proc. ICEC 25 – ICMC (2014), Twente/NL
- Klaus, M.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Quack, H.; Beßler, Y.; Butzek, M.: Conceptual Design of the Liquid Hydrogen Moderator Cooling Circuit for the European Spallation Source. to be published in: Proc. ICEC 25 – ICMC (2014), Twente/NL
- Quack, H.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Seemann, I.: Nelium – a refrigerant with high potential for the temperature range between 27 and 70 K. to be published in: Proc. ICEC 25 – ICMC (2014), Twente/NL
- Dittmar, N.; Klöppel, St.; Haberstroh, Ch.; et al.: Onset of thermo-acoustic oscillations in flexible transfer lines for liquid helium. to be published in: Proc. ICEC 25 – ICMC (2014), Twente/NL
- Dittmar, N.; Mickoleit, E.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Hesse, U.; Wolfram, M.; Krzyzowski, M.; Raccanelli, A.: First Test Results on the Frictional Pressure Drop in Corrugated Tubes of Small Diameters. Proc. of the 13th CRYOGENICS IIR Conference Prague 2014
- Quack, H.; Seemann, I.; Klaus, M.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Berstad, D.; Walnum, H.T.; Neksa, P.; Decker, L.: Selection of Components for the IDEALHY Preferred Cycle for the Large Scale Liquefaction of Hydrogen. Adv. in Cryog. Eng. 59A (2014), p. 237 – 244
- Funke, Th.; Golle, St.; Haberstroh, Ch.: Simulation of MLI concerning the influence of an additional heat load on intermediate layers. Adv. in Cryog. Eng. 59A (2014), p. 708 – 715
- Dittmar, N.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Hesse, U.: Characterisation of flexible transfer lines for liquid helium. New experimental results. Adv. in Cryog. Eng. 59A (2014), p. 893 – 899
- Langebach, R.; Haberstroh, Ch.: Natural convection in inclined pipes – A new correlation for heat transfer estimations. Adv. in Cryog. Eng. 59B (2014), p. 1504 – 1511
- Kaufmann, B.; Dreier, S.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Großmann, St.: Integration of LN2 Multiphase Heat Transfer Into Thermal Networks for High Current Components. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, VOL. 23, NO. 3, JUNE 2013
- Funke, Th.; Haberstroh, Ch.: Messtechnische Untersuchungen an einem Kryodruck-Wasserstofftank. DKV-Tagungsbericht Hannover, AA I.20 , Nov. 2013
- Langebach, R.; Klaus, M.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Hesse, U.: Magnetokalorische Kälteerzeugung – Eine Option für Haushaltskühlgeräte?. DKV-Tagungsbericht Hannover, AA II.1.04 , Nov. 2013
- Ludwig, M.; Thuß, S.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Hesse, U.: Flüssigwasserstoff als Energiespeicher für stationäre Anwendungen – Exergieeffizienz und politische Durchsetzbarkeit. DKV-Tagungsbericht Hannover, AA I.03, Nov. 2013
- Haberstroh, Ch.: Hintergrundinformationen zur weltweiten Heliumverknappung. DKV-Tagungsbericht Würzburg, AA I.09, Nov. 2012
- Quack, H.; Essler, J.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Walnum, H.; Berstad, D.; Drescher, M.; Nekså, P.: Search for the Best Processes to Liquefy Hydrogen in Very Large Plants. Proc. 12th Cryogenics, IIR, Dresden, Sept. 2012
- Blum, L.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Süßer, M.; et al.: Presentation of the German Working Committee NA 016-00-07 AA: Safety Devices for Helium Cryostats. Proc. 12th Cryogenics, IIR, Dresden, Sept. 2012
- Essler, J.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Hesse, U.: Ortho-Parahydrogen Conversion by Molecular Sieve and Activated Carbon. Proc. of ICEC 24 – ICMC Fukuoka (2012), ed. K. Funaki et al., p. 135 – 138
- Haberstroh, Ch.; Lindackers, D.: The New High Performance Helium Plant at the IFW Dresden. proc. 11th Cryogenics Conf., Bratislava, April 2010
- Funke, Th.; Haberstroh, Ch.: A simple calibration device for cryogenic temperature sensors using a standard liquid helium dewar vessel. proc. 11th Cryogenics Conference, Bratislava, April 2010
- Haberstroh, Ch.: Flüssigheliumversorgung. Habilitationsschrift, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, TU Dresden, TUDpress (2008), ISBN 978-3-941298-77-4
- Haberstroh, Ch.; Kirsten, D.: „Personal Liquefier“ für Wasserstoff – TU Dresden entwickelt Kleinverflüssiger. Fachbeitrag HZwei–Magazin, Hydrogeit Verlag, Ausgabe Okt. 2007, S. 10f
- Haberstroh, Ch.: Cryogenic Supply for the GERDA Experiment, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 53 (2007), p. 1201
- Lemke, D.; Haberstroh, Ch.; et al.: A new test cryostat for the grating and filter-wheels of the MIRI and NIRSpec instruments for JWST. in: 3rd Europ. Space Cryogenics Workshop, ESA WPP-277, ESA/ESTEC, 1022-6656 (2007)
- Haberstroh, Ch.; Zick, G.: A Superconductive MgB2 Level Sensor for Liquid Hydrogen. Adv. in Cryogen. Eng., Vol. 51 (2006), p. 679
- Hahn, R.v.; et al.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Quack, H.: Cryogenic Concept for the Low-Energy Electrostatic Storage Ring (CSR) at MPI-K in Heidelberg. Adv. in Cryogen. Eng., Vol. 51 (2006), p. 1187
- Andreev, O.; Thess, A.; Haberstroh, Ch.: Visualization of Magnetoconvection. Phys. Fluids, vol. 15 (12), 2003, pp. 3886-3889
- Goloubev, D.; Alexeev, A.; Kisten, D.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Quack, H.: Development of a Cascade Refrigerator for Cooling of 80 K Current Leads. Proc. of the 19th Int. Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Grenoble, (2002), p. 327 - 330
- Haberstroh, Ch.: ELBE Accelerator: First Year of Cryogenic Operation, Proc. of the 19th Int. Cryogen. Conf., Grenoble (2002), p. 11 - 14
- Barhels, E.; Janssen, D.; Haberstroh, Ch.; et al.: On the way to a superconducting RF-gun: first measurements with the gun cavity. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 445 (2000) 408 - 412
- Kauschke, M.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Quack, H.: Current Leads for TESLA. Adv. in Cryogen. Eng., 45 B (2000), p. 1597 ff
- Haberstroh, Ch.; Winkler, H.; Quack, H.: Vacuum Break-Down in the Beam Tube of Large Accelerators with Superconducting Cavities. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 43A, Kluwer Academic (2000), p. 933
- Alexeev, A.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Quack, H.: Mixed Gas Joule Thomson Cryocooler with a Precooling Stage. in: Cryocoolers 10, ed. R.G. Ross, Jr., Kluwer Academic (1999), p. 1175
- Haberstroh, Ch.; Quack, H.: Cryogenic System for the ELBE Linac in Dresden. Proc. of the Symposium on Cryogenic Systems for Large Scale Superconducting Applications, Toki, Japan, ed. by T. Mito (1996), p. 94 - 97
- Fredrich, O.; Haberstroh, Ch.; Quack, H.: Studies on a Modified Ericsson Cycle with Neon as Refrigerant. Adv. in Cryogenic Eng. 41 B (1995), p. 1255 - 1263
- Haberstroh, Ch.; Helbig, R; Stein, R.A.: Some features of the photoluminescence of SiC(6H), SiC(4H) and SiC(15R). J. Appl. Phys. 76 (1994), p. 509-513