Mar 03, 2015
Green Photonics Award 2015 for Dresden
On the internation SPIE-conference PHOTONICS West 2015, Dresden scientist Prof. Andrés Lasagni and Ph.D. student Sebastian Eckhardt from the LMO, Dr. Lars Müller-Meskamp from the IAPP as well as Dr. Mathias Siebold and Markus Löser from HZDR were awarded with the Green Photoncs Award 2015 in the category laser-based manufacturing and micro/nano fabrication.
The scientists succeeded in "The fabrication of high efficient, transparent thin metal film electrodes with direct laser interference patterning". For this, the HZDR developed a solid state laser to fulfill the requirements for patterning ultra-thin metal electrodes. On the one hand, the laser system must provide high peak power while on the other hand it must be combinded with the DLIP technology developed by Fraunhofer IWS and TU Dresden. During is Ph.D., Sebastian Eckhardt is using this laser system for patterning ultra-thin metal electrodes for the application in thin film solar cells and -LEDs.
More information can be found in the News of the Fraunhofer IWS.