Research in the field of laser processing and manufacturing
The chair of Laser-based Manufacturing focuses on many topics regarding the application of laser-based technologies, including laser micro processing, surface functionalization and simulation, laser welding, cutting and hardening, process development, photonic-based metrology, optics development and simulation, and multibeam laser-based processing. Other research areas include replication methods such as roll to roll and plate to plate embossing.

Laser-based fabrication methods
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) technology can be conveniently applied to accomplish various tasks due to its ability to provide a large amount of energy in a very small area in a very controlled manner. Moreover, laser-based technologies are suitable for micro-manufacturing and precision manufacturing as well as in traditional fields like cutting, welding and hardening.
All these topics are addressed by the Chair, in strong cooperation with the Fraunhofer IWS in Dresden.