DRESEN-TUBE (Dust RESuspension and DEpositioN – TUBEgeometry) is a high temperature flow channel in closed design for transport, deposition and remobilisation investigations on of microscopic particles. These particles have an equivalent diameter between 0.3 and 20 µm and are dispersed into the heated flow channel with temperatures in a range of 20 °C to 950 °C. To analyse the particle behaviour noninvasively the sample area is built as a 3 meters long quartz glass pipe with an inner diameter of 50 mm. The velocity in the tube can be varied in a range between 0 – 100 m/s. Also the gas composition can be varied between helium, argon, air and nitrogen. The 3.5 m long quartz glass tube is heated to ensure an uninfluenced adiabatic flow into the sample area (figure 1).

Figure 1: System diagram of DRESDEN-TUBE
At the sample area the heated aerosol gas flow passes the sample holder which is water cooled. The temperature gradient between the aerosol flow and the sample holder with maximum 930 K induces a thermophoretic force on the particle in direction to the sample, shown in figure 2. The optical accessible sample area allows the detection of the flow field with a PIV-laser system. The temperature field is measured with an array of seven thermocouples. The deposited particles on the sample can be measured with a laser raster microscope.

Figure 2: Overview of DRESDEN-TUBE with detailed point of view of the measurement area
Supervisor | |
Sponsoring institution | GRS |