Curriculum Vitae
- 2019-2021: Sub-project leader DFG SFB Transregio 67 Z03
- 2017 Habilitation to Dr. rer. nat. habil. and private lecturer for „Experimental regenerative medicine“ at the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden. Title of the habilitation thesis: „Artificial extracellular matrices as functional biomaterials in bone healing and regeneration“
- 2013-2021: Sub-project leader DFG SFB Transregio 67 A03
- Since 2013: Junior group leader Biomaterials Development at the TU Dresden, Institute Materials Science (IfWW), Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials (MBC), Chair Biomaterials
- Since 2007: Scientific associate at IfWW, MBC, Chair Biomaterials, group Biomaterials Development (Prof. Scharnweber)
- 2005-2007: Post-Doc, Institute of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA. Topic: Biochemical and cell biological characterization of mutations in human collagen II on the cell physiology and the surrounding extracellular matrix
- 2005: Dissertation to Dr. rer. nat.; Title of the thesis: „Structural and functional characterization of C-terminal domains of the human procollagen C-proteinase-2“, Institute of Molecular Physiology, University of Münster
- 2001-2002: Research stay at the Institute of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA.
- 2000: Diploma in Biology; Title of the thesis: „Expression and characterization of C-terminal domains of the procollagen C-proteinase-2“, Institute of Molecular Physiology, University of Münster
- 1994-2000: Biology studies; University of Münster