pyroelektrisch aktive Beschichtung mit Strontiumbariumniobat-Nanopartikeln © Ute Bergmann

Corrosion and Surface Science

Our group works on topics relating to the development and testing of surface coatings as well as problems in the field of corrosion and corrosion protection of metals.

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Entwicklung eisabweisender Oberflächen für Rotorblätter © TUD

Knowledge and technology transfer: EISAB

Ice formation on technical surfaces, for example on wind turbines or refrigeration plants, increases their maintenance effort, causes unplanned downtimes and poses a safety risk. In the EISAB project, the Institute of Materials Science at TU Dresden and the Leibniz Insitut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. were jointly developing a new type of ice-repellent coating. Pyroelectric properties of certain polymers are combined with the freezing point lowering effect of hydrophilic polymers. This makes it possible to delay ice formation and minimise ice adhesion.