Extension of the operating conditions of HFC-components
Research Task/Objectives
Hydraulic drives are important in the field of engineering. The commonly used mineral oil based hydraulic fluids are a safety hazard in areas of increased fire risk. HFC is often chosen as substitute in such applications but a high cavitation risk and the associated strong cavitation erosion are characteristic drawbacks of this liquid. The reason of this strong cavitation erosion and its effect on HFC-operated components have to be experimentally investigated and evaluated within the project. Based on this, a CFD-tool and design approaches have to be developed for an improvement of the critical flow areas within HFC-components.
The determination of the fluid properties and the model parameterization for HFC are part of the first step within the project. In the second step, the parameterised cavitation model will be experimentally validated. The conduction of erosion tests in models of a valve and a pump will follow in the next working package. These experiments will be used for the development of a model, which allows a simulation-based prediction of cavitation erosion possible. The model is the basis for further investigations on the extension of the operating conditions. The project will conclude with the implementation of improvement measures on a functional model.
The project 18491 BR/1 was financed and supervised by the Research Association Mechanical Engineering – FKM, Lyoner Straße 18, 60528 Frankfurt am Main. In the scope of the Programme to promote Industrial Collective Research it was funded by the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) with means of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.