The Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems introduces itself
Fluid power – hydraulic and pneumatic drive and control technology – is one of the major supplier industries of machine and plant en-gineering in the automobile industry, ships and railway systems as well as the aerospace sectors.

The Fluidics - an important supply sector
Hydraulic systems offer inherent physical advantages such as high power density, compact construction, and easy generation of linear motions.
Pneumatic systems are captivating due to air being the clean, environmentally friendly operating medium, and the simple circuit technology that allows for financially efficient control of linear and rotating actuators in a machine. In combination with high-performance micro-controllers, sensor and communication systems as well as drive and control systems are created that determine the technology.
Fluid-mechatronic components and systems facilitate the automation in all areas of application. Germany's fluid power has been the globally leading technology for many years. This ongoing leadership in technology has resulted in a quick growth far above average within the industry branch, with a high demand of research efforts as well as well-educated engineers.
The Institute of Fluid Power is collaborating closely with companies of the same industry in research and teaching – this is applicable for both the manufacturer and the user. It offers students a scientific education of the fundamental basics as well as important areas of application. Practical orientation and relevance of the studied material can be guaranteed through involving company representatives in parts of the study.
Research at the institute is focused on current affairs of the industrial development with the following core points:
- physical-technical fundamentals/fluids,
- hydraulic components,
- stationary hydraulic systems,
- mobile hydraulic systems,
- pneumatic components,
- systems and valve actuators/solenoids.
The complex relationships resulting from the inter-disciplinary character of fluid power and its application orientation put the junior researchers to ever new and interesting tasks in term papers and diploma theses as well as dissertations. They also provide the chance to a diverse scientific-technical education with excellent career opportunities.