Independent metering control systems
Research Task/Objectives
Due to the increasing demand for high-performance drive systems for mobile and
stationary hydraulic applications, independent metering control systems are increasingly focused on by research and development thanks to their energetic and functional
potentials. However, the large diversity and variety of structures impedes a proper classification and selection of such technologies. As part of a DFG-funded project, various system variants and design aspects have been developed and investigated. Tests on an excavator test bench demonstrated its suitability using commercially available
components and demonstrated its efficiency from a functional and energetic point of view.
The solution space of the illustrated valve system structures expands considerably
taking into account the valve type, -control and -arrangement as well as the number of pump circuits. The overall energy efficiency and the system behavior were assessed
depending on the application. Despite the non-linear controller characteristics, which are a necessity for nonlinear systems, the developed control approaches were aimed at simple parameterization and handling. The design was conducted using the linear and non-linear multivariable system analysis. By means of system simulations and test-
bench measurements, the behavior of the components involved and of the overall
system was validated and verified

Circuit variants for controlling double-acting consumers
The presented research activities are part of the project “New solutions for electrohydraulic control systems with independent metering edges” (Ref. No. WE 4828/1-1). The authors would like to thank the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the financial support.