Ch. Alexiou: Magnetic hybrid materials for regenerative medicine: synthesis, simulation, application and toxicologic investigations
The interactions of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and biological matrices can be divided into two scenarios. The nanoparticles can be embedded in an elastic framework or tissue and such, as being part of a hybrid material, interact with their environment and react on magnetic fields. On the other hand magnetic nanoparticles can be imported by magnetic fields into a tissue and interact with this biological matrix on their way through the tissue. Therefore SEON will focus on the investigation of MNPs in tissue-like structures or in real tissues. Another part of the project will deal with interactions of MNPs in fibrin networks, i.e. blood clots, in dependence of the surface structure and external magnetic fields.
The investigation of interactions of MNPs in hydrogels and fibrin networks will be utilized in close cooperation with partners from the DFG-priority program and with other partners and correlated the results with simulations.
A special focus will be the behavior of MNPs infiltrating the neighboring tissues by crossing the endothelium.
![Coating of 3-dimensional, tubular frameworks with magnetised endothelial cells by using radial symmetric magnetic fields [1].](
Coating of 3-dimensional, tubular frameworks with magnetised endothelial cells by using radial symmetric magnetic fields [1].
In addition together with partners we will work on the development of novel endothelialised vessel substitutes Here magnetic particle-cell-hybrids will be used to coat the inner surface of 3-d tubular frameworks, by using magnetic fields [1] (Fig. 1). For this part new materials will be developed, mimicking the mechanical properties better, than currently available materials.
Coating of 3-dimensional, tubular frameworks with magnetised endothelial cells by using radial symmetric magnetic fields [1].
Project Manager
Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Alexiou, HNO-Klinik Erlangen, Sektion für experimentelle Onkologie und Nanomedizin (SEON)
Dr. Ralf Friedrich, HNO-Klinik Erlangen, Sektion für experimentelle Onkologie und Nanomedizin (SEON)
Dr. Stefan Lyer, HNO-Klinik Erlangen, Sektion für experimentelle Onkologie und Nanomedizin (SEON)
Grant period
2013 -
[1] Friedrich RP, Janko C, Pöttler M, Tripal P, Zaloga J, Cicha I, Dürr S, Nowak J, Odenbach S, Slabu I, Liebl M, Trahms L, Stapf M, Hilger I, Lyer S, Alexiou C: Flow cytometry for intracellular SPION quantification: specificity and sensitivity in comparison with spectroscopic methods. Int J Nanomedicine, 2015
[2] Hornung A, Poettler M, Friedrich RP, Zaloge J, Unterweger H, Lyer S, Nowak J, Odenbach S, Alexiou C, Janko C: Treatment Efficiency of Free and Nanoparticle-Loaded Mitoxantrone for Magnetic Drug Targeting in Multicellular Tumor Spheroids, 2015
[3] Zaloga J, Stapf M, Nowak J, Pöttler M, Friedrich RP, Tietze R, Lyer S, Lee G, Odenbach S, Hilger I, Alexiou C: Tangential Flow Ultrafiltration Allows Purification and Concentration of Lauric Acid-/Albumin-Coated Particles for Improved Magnetic Treatment. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2015
[4] Wisotzki EI, Friedrich RP, Weidt A, Alexiou C, Mayr SG, Zink M: Cellular Response to Reagent-Free Electron-Irradiated Gelatin Hydrogels. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2016
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, HNO-Klinik Erlangen,
Sektion für Experimentelle Onkologie und Nanomedizin (SEON)
Glückstraße 10a
D-91054 Erlangen