B. Fischer: Magnetorheological behavior of magnetic hybrid materials
Our goal is the synthesis of multifunctional hybrid materials, in which particles with high magnetic mo-ments are homogeneously embedded in a polymer gel matrix.For this purpose iron oxide particles with different modification and geometries are developed. Due to the iron oxide particles the properties of the matrix can be tuned via an applied magnetic field.Since not only soft magnetic materials like magnetite are of interest but also hard magnetic materials like cobalt ferrite, new routes for the synthesis of aniso-tropic cobalt ferrite particles will be developed.The prepared nanoparticles get embedded in a stimuli responsive hydrogel based on Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNiPAAM).The thermorespon-sive properties of pNiPAAM can then be used to ma-nipulate the mechanical features of the hybrid gel via temperature change.The main focus will be on the synthesis of new aniso-tropic nanoparticles and to embed them into a stimuli responsive gel and to tune the thermoresponsive properties of this hydrogel. In addition we will investi-gate how the properties of the matrix change depend-ent on the magnetic field.
Project Manager
Dr. Birgit Fischer, Universität Hamburg
Niklas Lucht, Universität Hamburg
Grant period
2013 -
[1] C. Märkert, B. Fischer, J. Wagner, J. Appl. Cryst. 44 (2011) 441-447.[2] J. Wagner, C. Märkert, B. Fischer, L. Müller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 048301.[3] S. Hinrichs, N. Nun, B. Fischer, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. (2016) in Press.
Universität HamburgInstitut für Physikalische ChemieGrindelallee 117, Rm 342a20146 Hamburg