S. Odenbach: Magnetorheological behaviour of magnetic hybrid materials
The understanding of the magneto rheological behaviour of magnetic hybrid materials (MHM) bases on a microscopic knowledge concerning the inner structure of the material, connecting changes of the microstructure with changes in the material properties.
The goal of the project is the experimental connection between microstructure and rheological behaviour. This will provide on the one hand fundamental information on the microstructure as well as on the magnetic field dependence of the material properties for theoretical working groups inside the SPP. To xatch this goal the project will combine magnetorheological investigations with evaluations of the microstructure by means of X-ray microtomograpy.
The tomographic examination of the microstructure of MHM is focussed on the strcuturesw formed by the magentic particles inside the elastomeric matrix and their modification e.g. by means of mechanical loads or the action of magnetic fields. Single particle resolution allows a direct comparison of the experimentally found microstructure with molecular dynamics simulations - an approach that shoudl lead to well founded material model. Moreover the respective data can be used to validate theoretical constituive material laws and to provide input data for simulations. In this way we intend to gain a deeper understanding of the materal properties on a multiscale level from the microcsale towards the macroscopic material.

X-ray tomography image of magnetic particles in an anisotropic magnetic elastomer (top) and changes of the particle positions in an isotropic elastomer leading to chain formation under influence of a magnetc field (bottom).
Project Manager
Prof. Dr. Stefan Odenbach, TU Dresden
Malte Schümann, TU Dresden
Grant period
2013 -
[1] Arantes, F.; Odenbach, S. (2015) „The magnetoviscous effect of micellar solutions doped with water based ferrofluids“ Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 390, 91 - 95
[2] Schümann, M.; Günther, S.; Odenbach, S. (2014) „The effect of magnetic particles on pore size distribution in soft polyurethane foams“ Smart Mater. Struct. 23, 075011
[3] Pessot, G.; Cremer, P.; Borin, D. Y.; Odenbach, S.; Löwen, H.; Menzel, A. M. (2014) „Structural control of elastic moduli in ferrogels and the importance of non-affine deformations“ The Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 12, 124904-1 - 124904-10
TU Dresden
Fakultät Maschinenwesen
Institut für Strömungsmechanik
Professur für Magnetofluiddynamik, Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
01069 Dresden