Summer Party 2022
At last! After a two-year break, our alumni summer party took place again on 17.06.2022! Almost 100 former students and employees as well as current employees met for a stimulating and exuberant exchange.
The "official part" surprised everyone with a special award - the Golden Diploma! Former students who were celebrating the 50th anniversary of their graduation in 2021 took the opportunity to meet up again in Dresden. After welcoming them and presenting current topics and projects at the Chair and Fraunhofer IVV, Prof. Majschak gave the floor to Ms. Mayer, Head of the Alumni Relations Office at TU Dresden. She paid tribute to the former students and emphasized the importance of staying connected and in contact. The surprised graduates received their "Golden Diploma" from Prof. Majschak.

Mit dem goldenen Diplom geehrte Absolvent:innen und Prof. Majschak
Students who are currently being supported by a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship then had their say. A big thank you to the company Theegarten Pactec GmbH for making this support possible for four students! Prof. Majschak was able to announce that this commitment will be continued and thanked them for their generous support.
During a coffee break, there was also the opportunity to browse through a historical packaging collection by Mr. Hessel, known for his book "Schokoladenstadt Dresden" (Chocolate City Dresden), and learn about the development of confectionery packaging.
Two specialist presentations provided insights into current research projects. Mr. Ludwig Schmidtchen, currently Industrial Promovend at the company Brabender, presented his current research results on the production of machine-compatible packaging materials from extruded macroalgae in his lecture "Packaging from macroalgae - utopia or opportunity?". The second presentation by Mr. Paul Weber from the Fraunhofer IVV entitled "Thermoforming test stand goes VR - training operating personnel in virtual reality" highlighted the potential for training employees or service staff by using new computing technology.
This was followed by a tour of the technical center. New test stands, machine concepts, packaging materials and much more. - Everything could be viewed and discussed on site.
The barbecue buffet opened at 7:30 p.m. and the social part of the evening began.
The opportunity to meet again in person after a long time was a great pleasure for everyone. The direct exchange about past and present, about professional and private matters inspired the evening and its guests!
Many thanks to everyone who made the summer party a success!