Forschen am Puls der Zeit
Wie können Produktionsprozesse effizienter und nachhaltiger gestaltet werden? Und wie lassen sich Verfahren wie Reinigung, Schweißen und Siegeln weiter verbessern? Diese Fragen stehen im Mittelpunkt der Forschung an der Professur für Verarbeitungsmaschinen/Verarbeitungstechnik der TU Dresden. Mit interdisziplinären Ansätzen entwickelt die Professur innovative Lösungen für die Konsumgüterproduktion – von der Verarbeitung faserbasierter Materialien bis hin zur Entwicklung von flexiblen und ressourcenschonenden Reinigungsprozessen.

Research profile
Our work focuses on the development of innovative solutions that influence both the functionality and design of machines. The processing behavior of the products and the time restrictions of the processes significantly determine the design of machines. Our research aims to identify the influencing parameters of these processes, to quantify their influence and to develop models that form the basis for the conception and design of modern processing machines.
One example of our work is the simulation of the interaction between the processed material and the machine, including the integration of mechatronic function groups. This makes it possible to tap into efficiency potential and at the same time realize the flexible, resource-efficient and highly integrated process chains that are essential in modern manufacturing. This is no longer just about high processing speeds, but also about the development of flexible, sustainable solutions that promote the careful handling of complex material systems - as required for the production of a wide range of consumer goods.