Theses and Seminar Papers
Table of contents
Topics for Theses and Seminar Papers
A list of current topics can be found in OPAL under Topics for theses and dissertations VM.
There are often other interesting practical tasks available. Please contact Dr. Uta Weiß or the scientists.
If the seminar paper or thesis is to be carried out in cooperation with a company or a non-university research institution, it is essential to coordinate the supervision before starting.
Procedure and Information for Seminar Papers
- Agree on topic with supervisor and assessor (coordination Dr. Uta Weiß)
- Fill in the protocol from the website of the Examination Office MW with personal details
- Sign the protocol, guidelines for good scientific practice in studies and guidelines for diploma theses and student research projects and send them to Dr. Uta Weiß
- Issuing chair adds further information such as topic, examiner, submission date
- Formal issue of the topic by 2nd reviewer and hand over of a signed copy
- Submission of the thesis to the 2nd reviewer including Affirmation (Eidestatlliche Erklärung) and Declaration IP (optional)
- Chair informs Examination Office (Prüfungsamt) about correct submission of the thesis
- Presentation and announcement of the grade
Procedure and Information for Theses
- Agree on topic with supervisor and assessor (coordination Dr. Uta Weiß)
- Fill out the Application for Opening the Diploma Procedure from the website of the Examination Office MW with personal details and send it to the Examination Office MW
- A protocol is created by the Examination Office and sent directly to the issuing Chair. The start date of the Diploma Thesis may only be set once the protocol has been received by the professorship.
- 2. supervisor creates final assignment which is validate thruogh signatures of first reviewer and the study director (Studienrichtugnsleiter) of your study program
- Issuing chair adds further information such as topic, examiner, submission date and returns the protocol to the Examination Office
- Hand-out of the original assignement by the Chair and signature of the student on Good Scientific Practice for Students and the Thesis Guidelines and Publication of the date of the defense (optional)
- consult your 2nd reviewer and assessor during the course of your work
- mandatory consultaiont of first reviewer (Prof. Majschak) and decision on date of defense
- Submission of the thesis to the Examination Office on time with Affirmation (Eidestatlliche Erklärung), Declaration IP (optional) and Declaration online Publication (optional)
- Publis defense of the thesis and announcement of the grade
Presentations and defenses
All theses and the diploma thesis are presented at the end of the course. The presentations of seminar papers take place in a colloquium.
The Bachelor and Diploma thesis defenses are open to the public. The dates are announced in the Chair's calendar.

Dr.-Ing. Uta Weiß
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens-Peter Majschak
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).