The Institution
The "Research Center Carbon Fibers Saxony (RCCF)" is a joint research initiative in the field of tailor-made carbon fibres for future-oriented multifunctional structural materials.

In the Research Center Carbon Fibers (RCCF) on April 18, 2016, two institutes of the Technical University of Dresden combined their expertise in the field of carbon fibers. The centre is staffed by scientists from the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Plastics Technology (ILK) and the Institute for Textile Machinery and High-Performance Textile Materials Technology (ITM), who research continuous development chains from fiber raw material to finished component. The partners work on fossil and renewable raw materials as starting products and develop tailor-made carbon fibres for new functional materials. In addition, the focus will be on the application of the fibers for novel structural and functional materials. The findings will be transferred directly into teaching at the TU Dresden. Furthermore, the scientists participating pay special attention to the transfer of the acquired knowledge into industrial applications.