B1: Coating, reinforcement structures for carbon concrete construction; TP 1: Coating, reinforcement structures and composite behaviour; textiles, nanomaterials, carbon rods
The basic project B1 aims at the development of durable and temperature-resistant textile reinforcements and carbon rods. For this purpose the properties of the textile concrete components and their interactions as well as the relationships between fibre type, sizing system, coating system and concrete formulation were considered. The focus here was on the complete utilization of the mechanical performance of the high-performance fibers used, taking into account the fibre-concrete composite properties, which are influenced by the targeted use of suitable coatings and various surface structures.
Development of reinforcement structures and coatings for inorganic coatings
The objectives of the C3-V2.6-V project are the development of coatings for novel inorganic-based coatings, with which a significant improvement of the boundary layer behaviour between textile fibres and mineral concrete matrix is to be achieved, in contrast to the organic (polymeric) dispersions previously used. These dispersions should be able to transfer higher adhesive forces between these two components and also achieve significantly higher thermal stability due to the characteristics of functional groups. On the other hand, processes are being developed for the application of these coatings to carbon textiles, which are modularly based on current technologies and are integrated into the production process chain immediately after the textile surfaces have been formed. The overall objective of the subproject is to achieve a significant increase in the structural-mechanical performance and durability of the reinforcement textiles developed in the C³ project in the concrete composite, based on the material pairing of carbon with inorganic coatings.
- Derivation of fundamental findings and statements on boundary layer problems and compatibility between fibre, coating and coating.
- Selection of sizing systems for carbon fibres and inorganic matrices
- Trials on the removal and coating of carbon fibre materials
- Documentation and discussion of test results
- Investigation of newly sized carbon yarns
- Studies on the coating and impregnation behaviour of folded rovings and textile structures with the newly developed mineral coatings
- Constructive-technological development of coating technologies
- Testing, laboratory-scale implementation of technological developments
Thermo-mechanical characteristics of carbon reinforcements
The objectives of the C3-V2.3-I-b project are to determine the characteristic values of carbon reinforcements. Based on the knowledge gained in the basic project C³-B1 about the coatings and the solution approaches of coatings in case of fire, specific investigation methods will be selected to generate essential statements about the thermo-mechanical behaviour of both the coatings and the carbon reinforcement structures. Furthermore, fire-resistant coatings and processes for the application of the selected coatings are developed, which are modularly based on current technologies and integrated into the manufacturing process chain. The overall aim of the subproject is to determine the thermo-mechanical parameters for the reinforcement textiles developed within the C³ project and to make them usable for hot design as well as to establish connections to tensile and bond strength. The following focal points are worked on within the project:
- Theoretical analysis of the existing findings from the basic project C³-B1
- Selection of test equipment, test procedure Coating agents from C³-B1 and carbon reinforcement
- Tests to determine the temperature-dependent strength of the reference material and new fire-resistant coatings
- Documentation and discussion of test results
- Investigations on carbon yarns with reference coatings and new fire-resistant coatings
- Constructive-technological development of carbon reinforcements with reference coatings and new fire-resistant coating
- Testing, implementation of technological developments and production of reinforcement structures in the event of fire
- Performance of force-stretch tests under high temperature to determine the temperature-dependent carbon reinforcement stability
Development of process-integrated quality assurance for the production of textile reinforcements for carbon concrete (C3QTextil)
The aim of the E-project is the development of a system that represents the complexity of manufacturing in a structured way, links manufacturing processes with each other and allows a cross-process chain analysis. Despite its use by a large number of research and development partners, this system must be uniform in order to ensure that it can be analyzed. The results of various C³ projects are to be consolidated and important process variables for quality assurance identified and characterized.
NameDr.-Ing. Iris Kruppke
Unit precursor fibers & Unit surface design
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