Preservation of the Collections (2019-2022)
After the project focused on the exploration and analysis of the collections of TU Dresden, started in 2019, the Office for Academic Heritage, Scientific and Art Collections is, with another project, now focusing once more on the preservation of the collection. TU Dresden's collections from science and technology are being placed under the magnifying glass for a detailed look in the context of an analysis of the items and their condition.
The Office for Academic Heritage gained additional staff for this purpose: In August 2020, two new colleagues, Ute Werner and Regina Klee, began their work. These experts on preventive conservation, restoration and materials intend to successively visit the individual collections. With the support of the collection administrators, they will compile the requirements for the preservation of the collections for future generations and contextualize the application of the collections in research and teaching. Particular attention in this respect is being accorded to the present condition of the items in the collection and their storage. How sensitive to light are the materials and how much light are they exposed to under the current storage conditions? Is the climate and relative atmospheric humidity consistent with and appropriate to the materials involved? Is there a strategy for detecting pests and keeping them under control, or a general emergency plan?
On the basis of this compilation of the collections, the aim was to create an overview and determine measures for the continued care of the collections, including restoration work on the significant and multifaceted items in the collection. Throughout the project phase, the two restorers are happy to answer questions or offer advice on topics related to preventive conservation.

NameRegina Klee
Collections & Exhibitions
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Office for Academic Heritage, Scientific and Art Collections
Office for Academic Heritage, Scientific and Art Collections
Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Zellescher Weg (BZW), Eingang A, Etage 0, Raum 24 Zellescher Weg 17
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Office for Academic Heritage, Scientific and Art Collections
01062 Dresden
Visiting Address Conservation Studio:
ASB Labor-Container Zellescher Weg 19a
01069 Dresden