Colour Research & Theory Collection

Ostwald Colour System of 1923 (replica)
The task of this collection is to preserve the abundant material and personal records in the interdisciplinary field of colour theory in science, education, culture and the arts in Central Germany, and to bring it together for teaching and research purposes. In addition to devices for producing, measuring and referencing colour as an element in appearance and design (optical devices, measuring instruments and colour standards, collections, cards and catalogues, models, organs and means of design), the collection also includes various teaching aids, student and artistic studies as well as writings and documents. The collection has been under development since 2005 and is currently being digitized. The original holdings of Eckhard Bendin's estate have been expanded in the past several years by acquisitions from the Institute of Applied Photo-Physics, the Federal Institute for Materials Research and the German Society of Colour Science and Application, as well as by the bequests of the estates of Baumann, Prase and Ostwald's successors (Adam, Zeugner, Streller, Rausendorf). The most recent acquisition is the collection of Harald Küppers, a pioneer in the development of colour theory for use in printing and digital media.
E. Bendin, Die Sammlung Farbenlehre, in: Sammlungen und Kunstbesitz, Technische Universität Dresden. Hrsg. von der Rektorin der Technischen Universität Dresden. Dresden 2022, p. 117-128.
Faculty of Architecture
BZW, Zellescher Weg 17
Prof. Dr. Ralf Weber, Phone +49 351 463-35588