Scientific presentations and discussions with laureates from the field of medicine
Table of contents
The German-American Biochemist and Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Dr. Thomas C. Südhof was our guest for the first edition of the series "TUneD into Medical Science" at Dresden University of Technology’s Faculty of Medicine from October 9th till 11th, 2024.
Prof. Südhof’s groundbreaking research focuses on our synapses acting as the control center of the nervous system. They represent the foundation for everything we think, feel and do. Südhof’s main endeavor has been to identify the driving forces behind this complex molecular mechanism. The Nobel Prize Laureate will be presenting his answers as well as his findings related to the study of the brain’s development and neuronal diseases.
Prof. Dr. Thomas C. Südhof
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013
Public lecture (in English): "Mechanisms mediating long-term memory formation" – Memory network: Neuronal circuits and the art of the long-term memory
Thursday 10 October 2024, 4 pm
Dean’s Lecture Hall, House 40, Dresden University of Technology’s Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Thomas C. Südhof
Prof. Dr. Thomas C. Südhof, born in 1955, is a renowned neuroscientist whose main research focus lies in the field of neurons, synapses, transmitter distribution, cell transport processes as well as in neuronal and synaptic plasticity.
He studies how nerves communicate via synapses, in particular in the brain. Throughout his work, Prof. Südhof has identified and cloned proteins that participate in this process.
In 2013, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine along with the American biochemists James Rothman and Randy Schekman for their discovery of the cell transport processes.
Academic and professional career
Member, Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine (SUSM) |
Director, Center for Molecular Neuroscience in Health and Disease, SUSM, Stanford |
Visiting researcher, Berlin Institute for Health Research, Charité (BIH) |
Professor for Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Psychiatry and Neurology, SUSM, Stanford |
Wednesday | October 9th, 2024
Time | Program |
10:00 | "From research to successful publication" Prof. Thomas Südhof discussing with students (Lecture Hall CRTD) |
11:00 |
"How to make a synapse - the beginning of molecular understanding" |
14:00 | "Next Generation: Speed talks with young scientists" Four young scientists will present their current research subjects and discuss these with Prof. Thomas Südhof (MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics) |
Thursday | October 10th, 2024
10:00 |
Podcast »YOU ASK, we explain«: "Tools of science" |
16:00 | "Mechanisms mediating long-term memory formation" Memory network: Neuronal circuits and the art of the long-term memory Nobel Prize Laureate Lecture by Prof. Thomas Südhof Dean’s Lecture Hall, Dresden University of Technology Faculty of Medicine |
Friday | October 11th, 2024
12:00 |
"Ethics and research - what's the stake?" |