The School of Medicine: Teaching and Research – Directly for the People
Numerous innovative ideas in the field of medicine originated at TU Dresden’s FM CGC. Furthermore, this faculty is the first nationwide with certified teaching according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. At the same time, the FM represents the School of Medicine of the whole TU Dresden. Those who want to embody science today will need a good network – one with many nodes – in order to have a solid financial footing, to publish one’s findings and also to implement and apply research results obtained in the laboratory.
Therefore, the FM and the University Hospital have jointly created a viable basis and united under the roof of the Dresden University Medicine in order to develop Dresden into an attractive location for researchers and students of human medicine and dentistry by interacting with each other.
In 2021, the Dresden University Medicine was able to acquire third-party funds amounting to €68.7m. Almost 900 additional jobs that have been financed through these third-party funds turn biomedical research into a job-motor for the city and the region. Additionally, the impact-factors as measurements for the quality of the publications of scientists have steadily increased. Especially the increased number of successfully acquired and continued individual projects of the University Medicine is a good indicator for the fact that science is lived and embodied in Dresden. Securing the necessary administrative and infrastructural preconditions for the further successful development of the School of Medicine and the Dresden University Medicine is the major concern of the administration of the school.
Executive Manager for the School of Medicine
NamePD Dr. med. Jessica Barlinn
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