Feb 19, 2025
Episode 32: Let's talk about sex - How to break taboos and create healthy relationships
Our podcast series YOU ASK we explain started in 2023 and is published monthly. In our 32nd episode, we discuss the topic: Let's talk about sex - How do we break taboos and create healthy relationships as part of TUD Lectures+
We want to discuss with you and answer your questions. We will address what is perhaps the most taboo topic of sexuality - with all its facets, from age to youth, from finding to living.
When: 05.03.2025, 19:00 h
Where: to be announced
Our Advisors:
- Rebekka Schwesig - Doctoral student at the Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Chair of Behavioral Psychotherapy
- Paul Flemming - Specialist in urology at the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital
- Tina Hölzel-Chokharash - Project assistant at the John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy at TU Dresden
Amelie Schleich - student and member of the university group "In love with security"
Photo reference
Photographs and videos will be taken during this event. The photos will be used for the press and public relations work of TUD and the other participants. If necessary, photos will also be passed on to third parties for reporting purposes. By participating in the event, you agree that photos of you may be used for publications in print and online media, including social media.
This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State governments.