Public Mental Health - Selected publications
2025: Hausmann LM, Seefeld L, Mojahed A, Mack JT, Garthus-Niegel S, Schellong J. Service preferences among postpartum women (non-)affected by different types of intimate partner violence: insights from the cross-sectional study INVITE. BMC Public Health. 02. January 2025 doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-20921-y. Link to full text 2024: Deforges C, Centamori A, Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A. One birth, two experiences: why is the prevalence of childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder four times lower in fathers than in mothers? 26. Dezember 2024 doi: 10.1080/02646838.2024.2447190. Link to full text Horstmann RH, Seefeld L, Schellong J, Garthus-Niegel S. Treatment and counselling preferences of postpartum women with and without symptoms of (childbirth-related) PTSD: findings of the cross-sectional study INVITE. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. Dezember 2024 doi: 10.1186/s12884-024-07061-2. Link to full text Göbel A, Lüersen L, Asselmann E, Arck P, Diemert A, Garthus-Niegel S, Mudra S, Martini J. Psychometric properties of the Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale and the Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire in three German samples. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. December 2024 doi: 0.1186/s12884-024-06964-4. Link to full text Böhlmann P, Mack JT, Weise V, Seefeld S, Bodenmann G, Zietlow A-L, Garthus-Niegel S. The prospective impact of extradyadic stress on depressive symptoms and the mediating role of intradyadic stress in parents: an actorpartner interdependence mediation model. Journal PLoS ONE. 05. November 2024 doi: 10.1371/Journal.pone.0311989. Link to full text Holopainen A, Verhage ML, Schuengel C, Garthus-Niegel S, Horesh D, Horsch A, Oosterman M. The role of childhood trauma and attachment state of mind in mothers' birth experiences. Attachment and human development. November 2024 doi: 10.1080/14616734.2024.2421425 Link to full text Garthus-Niegel S, Kittel-Schneider S. Väter und Psyche: Das übersehene Elternteil?. Hebammen Wissenschaft. 12. September 2024 doi: 10,1007/s43877-024-1200-3 Link to full text Schaber R, Patella T, Simm J, Garthus-Niegel S. German Parents Attaining Intrapersonal Work‑Family Balance While Implementing the 50/50‑Split‑Model with Their Partners. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 02. September 2024 doi:10.1007/s10834-024-09989-1. Link to full text Zietlow AL, Ditzer J, Garthus-NIegel S. From partners to parents: the influence of couple dynamics on parent-infant bonding and child development. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 19. August 2024 doi: 10.1080/02646838.2024.2375696. Link to full text Schaber R, Simm J, Patella T, Garthus-Niegel S. Practicable strategies parents can apply in their daily routine to successfully implement the 50/50-split-model of paid work, childcare, and housework: a qualitative content analysis. BMC Public Health. 14. August 2024 doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-19646-9. Link to full text Mojahed A, Mack JT, Staudt A, Weise V, Shiva L, Chandra P, Garthus-Niegel S. Prevalence and risk factors of intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from the population-based study DREAMCORONA. Plos One. 27 June 2024 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0306103. Link to full text Buyukcan-Tetik A, Seefeld L, Bergunde L, Ergun TD, Dikmen-Yildiz P, Horsch A, Garthus-Niegel S, Oosterman M, Lalor J, Weigl T, Bogaerts A, Van Haeken S, Downe S, Ayers S. Birth expectations, birth experiences and childbirth-related post-traumatic stress symptoms in mothers and birth companions: Dyadic investigation using response surface analysis. British Journal of Health Psychology. 26. June 2024 doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12738. Link to full text Bergunde L, Rihm L, Lange LS, Darwin Z, Iles J, Garthus-Niegel S. Family mental health research – the importance of adopting a family lens in the perinatal period and beyond. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 05. Juni 2024 doi: 10.1080/02646838.2024.2363090. Link to full text Jaramillo I, Bergunde L, Holuka C, Schuengel C, Štefulj J, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Kaźmierczak M, Menta G, D´Ambrosio C, Lalor JG, Turner JD, Garthus-Niegel S. Mode of Birth and DNA Methylation at Birth, in Childhood, and in Adolescence: Uncovering the Relationship Using ALSPAC Data. Developmental Psychology. 25 April 2024 doi: 10.1037/dev0001722. Link to full text Bergunde L, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Karl M, Jaramillo I, Gao W, von Soest T, Garthus-Niegel S. Stability and inter‑family associations of hair endocannabinoid and N‑acylethanolamines across the perinatal period in mothers, fathers, and children. Scientific Reports. April 2024 doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-59818-6. Link to full text Zieß V, Seefeld S, Vollert B, Schellong J, Garthus-Niegel S. Familienhebammen: Beliebt, aber nicht überall bekannt. Deutsche Hebammen Zeitschrift. April 2024. Link to full text Horsch A, Garthus-Niegel S, Ayers S, Chandra P, Hartmann K, Vaisbuch E, Lalor J. Childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder: definition, risk factors, pathophysiology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 03 March doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2023.09.089. Link to full text Bergunde L, Karl M, Borrmeister M, Jaramillo I, Weise V, Mack JT, Weidner K, Gao W, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Garthus-Niegel S. The effect of maternal childhood maltreatment on postpartum mother–child bonding and maternal hair glucocorticoids. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 04. March 2024 doi: 10.1080/20008066.2024.2317674. Link to full text Weise V, Güttner F, Staudt A, Mack JT, Garthus-Niegel S. Relationship satisfaction and family routines of young parents before and during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: A latent growth curve analysis. Plos One. 16. February 2024 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0297740. Link to full text Handelzalts JE, Kalfon-Hakhmigari M, Garthus-Niegel S. Work-family conflict: emphasis on families in modern work environments. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 12. January 2024 doi: 10.1080/02646838.20242303870. Link to full text Power C, Weise V, Mack JT, Karl M, Garthus-Niegel S. Does parental mental health mediate the association between parents’ perceived stress and parent-infant bonding during the early COVID-19 pandemic? Early Human Development. 05. January 2024 doi: 10.1016/J.earlhumdev.2023.105931. Link to full text 2023: Seefeld L, Handelzalts JE, Horesh D, Horsch A, Ayers S, Dikmen-Yildiz P, Kömürcü Akik B, Garthus-Niegel S. Going through it together: Dyadic associations between parents’ birth experience, relationship satisfaction, and mental health. Journal of Affective Disorders. 26. December 2023 doi: 10.1016/ Link to full text Valla L, Haga SM, Gartus-Niegel S, Drozd P. Dropout or Drop-In Experiences in an Internet-Delivered Intervention to Prevent Depression and Enhance Subjective Well-Being During the Perinatal Period: Qualitative Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting. 22. December 2023 doi: 10.2196/46982. Link to full text Alderdice F, Ayers S, Batorowicz E, Caparros-Gonzalez RA, Carone N, Darwin Z, Fallon V, Gathus-Niegel S, Hayes L, Horsch A, Iles J, Lafarge C, Martin C, Nakic Rados S, Newham J, Power C, Redshaw M, Seefeld S, Sheen K, Worobey J. Reflections on a successful year of the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 13. December 2023 doi: 10.1080/02646838.2023.2288447. Link to full text Ayers S, Horsch A, Garthus-Niegel S, Nieuwenhuijze M, Bogaerts A, Hartmann K, Karlsdottir SI, Oosterman M, Tecirli G, Turner JD, Lalor J. Traumatic birth and childbirth-related post-traumatic stress disorder: International expert consensus recommendations for practice, policy, and research. Women and Birth. 08. December 2023 doi: 10.1016/j.wombi.2023.11.006. Link to full text Engelhardt L, Mack J, Weise V, Kopp M, Romero Starke K, Garthus-Niegel S. The COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for work-privacy-conflict and parent–child-bonding in mothers and fathers. Children and Youth Services Review. December 2023 doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107264. Link to full text Asselmann E, Garthus-Niegel S, Martini J. Editorial: How research on personality development can improve our understanding of perinatal adjustment. Journal of Reproductive and infant Psychology. 2023 doi: 0.1080/02646838.2023.2242148. Link to full text Bergunde L, Karl M, Schälicke S, Weise V, Mack JT, von Soest T, Gao W, Weidner K, Garthus-Niegel S, Steudte-Schmiedgen S. Childbirth-related posttraumatic stress symptoms – examining associations with hair endocannabinoid concentrations during pregnancy and lifetime trauma. Translational Psychiatry. 31. October 2023 doi: 10.1038/s41398-023-02610-3. Link to full text Schellong J, Daniels J, Garthus-Niegel S. Editorial: Violent relationships: acute and long-term implications. Front. Psychiatry. 20. October 2023 doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1290094. Link to full text Jaramillo I, Karl M, Bergunde L, Mack JT, Weise V, Weidner K, Gao W, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Garthus-Niegel S. Maternal postpartum depressive symptoms: The predictive role of objective and subjective birth experience and hair glucocorticoids. Journal of Affective Disorders, 15. October 2023 doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.07.034. Link to full text Mojahed A, Mack JT, Specht L, Sandoz V, Garthus-Niegel S. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic On Violence Against Children: A Narrative Review. Current Psychiatry Reports. 18. September 2023 doi: 10.1007/s11920-023-01449-1. Link to full text Mack JT, Brunke L, Staudt A, Kopp M, Weise V, Garthus-Niegel, S. Changes in relationship satisfaction in the transition to parenthood among fathers. Plos One, 30. August 2023 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289049. Link to full text Baumann S, Staudt A, Horesh D, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A. Perineal tear and childbirth-related posttraumatic stress: A prospective cohort study. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2023;1–12. doi: 101111/acps.13595. Link to full text Seefeld L, von Soest T, Dikmen-Yildiz P, Garthus-Niegel S. Dyadic analyses on the prospective association between birth experience and parent-child-bonding: The role of postpartum depression, anxiety, and childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23 July 2023 doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2023.102748 Link to full text Lotzin A, Flechsenhar A, Garthus-Niegel S, Georg AK, Holl J, von Hülsen L, Kenntemich L, Kliem S, Kröger C, Mack JT, Mojahed A, Nunius S, Schröder J, Seitz K, von Thadden A, Volkert J, Zrnic Novakovic I, Lueger-Schuster B. Häusliche Gewalt und ihre psychischen Folgen während der COVID-19-Pandemie – Zentrale Befunde aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Bundesgesundheitsblatt. 10. July 2023 doi: 10.1007/s00103-023-03747-8. Link to full text Weigl T, Brunton R, Dryer R Garthus-Niegel S. Validation of the German version of the pregnancy-related anxiety scale (PrAS): psychometric properties across all trimesters of pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 24 June 2023 doi: 10.1186/s12884-023-05787-z. Link to full text Correia J, Debrot A, Garthus-Niegel S. Integrating positive psychology perspectives to support parents in their transition to parenthood: a vision for future research. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 08 June 2023 doi: 10.1080/02646838.2023.2212576. Link to full text Garthus-Niegel S, Kittel-Schneider S. Väter und peripartale psychische Erkrankungen: Das übersehene Elternteil? Der Nervenarzt, 11. May 2023 doi: 10.1007/s00115-023-01508-1. Link to full text Döblin S, Seefeld L, Weise V, Kopp M, Knappe S, Asselmann E, Martini J, Garthus-Biegel S. The impact of mode of delivery on parent-infant-bonding and the mediating role of birth experience: a comparison of mothers and fathers within the longitudinal cohort study DREAM. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 25 April 2023 doi: 10.1186/s12884-023-05611-8.Link to full text Kopp M, Lindauer M, Garthus-Niegel S. Association between maternal employment and the child´s mental health: a systematic review with meta-analysis. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 13 February 2023 doi: 10.1007/s00787-023-02164-1. Link to full text Dobernecker J, Spyridou A, Elbert T, Schauer M, Garthus-Niegel S, Ruf-Leuschner M, Schalinski I. Cumulative trauma predicts hair cortisol concentrations and symptoms of depression and anxiety in pregnant women—an investigation of community samples from Greece, Spain and Perú. Scientific Reports, 25 January 2023 doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-28151-9 Link to full text Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A. The Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology and the Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology: Transitions and new beginnings. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2023 January doi:10.1080/02646838.2022.2158538. Link to full text Koerber MI, Mack JT, Seefeld L, Kopp M, Weise V, Romero Starke K, Garthus-Niegel S. Psychosocial work stress and parent-child bonding during the COVID-19 pandemic: Staudt A, Baumann S, Horesh D, Eberhard-Gran M, Horsch A, Garthus-Niegel S. Predictors and comorbidity patterns of maternal birth-related posttraumatic stress symptoms: A Latent Class Analysis. Psychiatry Research, 2023 Jan doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2022.115038. Link to full text Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Schälicke S, Bergunde L, Karl M, Weise V, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Schumacher S, von Soest T, Weidner K, Kirschbaum C, Garthus-Niegel S. Hair glucocorticoids during pregnancy in the context of trauma exposure and their predictive value for the development of childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2023 February. Link to full text Karl M, Huth V, Schälicke S, Müller-Stark C, Weise V, Mack JT, Kirschbaum C, Weidner K, Garthus-Niegel S, Steudte-Schmiedgen S. The association between maternal symptoms of depression and hair glucocorticoids in infants across the perinatal period. Pychoneuroendocrinology, 2023 January. Link to full text 2022: Brym S, Mack J T, Weise V, Kopp M, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Garthus-Niegel S. Mental health of working parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: can resilience buffer the impact of psychosocial work stress on depressive symptoms? BMC Public Health, 2022. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-14582-y. Link to full text Brantsaeter A L, Garthus-Niegel S, Brandlistuen R E, Caspersen I H, Meltzer H M, Hope Abel M. Mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency and symptoms of emotional distress Blum S, Mack J T, Weise V, Kopp M, Asselmann E, Martini J, Garthus-Niegel S. The impact of postpartum obsessive-compulsive symptoms on child development and the mediating role of the parent-child relationship: A prospective longitudinal study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022 August 16. doi:10.3389/ppsyt.2022.886347 Link to full text. Bergunde L, Garthus-Niegel S, Alexander N, Steudte-Schmiedgen S. Perinatal mental health research: towards an integrative biopsychosocial approach. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2022 July 21. doi: 10.1080/02646838.2022.2101781 Link to full text. Martini J, Asselmann E, Weidner K, Knappe S, Rosendahl J, Garthus-Niegel S. Prospective Associations of Lifetime Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Birth-Related Traumatization With Maternal and Infant Outcomes. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022 July 22. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.842410 Link to full text. Sommer M, Knappe S, Garthus-Niegel S, Weidner K, Martini J. Die Bedeutung peripartaler mütterlicher Angst- und depressiver Störungen für die frühkindliche Entwicklung. Kindheit und Entwicklung, 2022 July 19. doi: 10.1026/0942-5403/a000382 Link to full text Sommer M, Knappe S, Garthus-Niegel S, Weidner K, Martini J. Die Bedeutung peripartaler mütterlicher Angst- und depressiver Störungen für die frühkindliche Entwicklung. Hogrefe, Juli 2022 doi:10.1026/0942-5403/a000382 Link to full text. Garthus-Niegel S, Nakić Radoš S, Horsch A. Perinatal Depression and Beyond—Implications for Research Design and Clinical Management. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 June 24 doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.18978 Link to full text. Frohberg J, Bittner A, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Garthus-Niegel S, Weidner K Early Abusive Relationships–Influence of Different Maltreatment Types on Postpartum Psychopathology and Mother-Infant Bonding in a Clinical Sample. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022 May 30 doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.836368 Link to full text. Heyne C-S, Kazmierczak M, Souday R, Horesh D, Lambregtse-van den Berg M, Weigl T, Horsch A, Oosterman M, Dikmen-Yildiz P, Garthus-Niegel S. Prevalence and risk factors of birth-related posttraumatic stress among parents: A comparative systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 2022 Jun. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2022.102157 Link to full text. |
Yalçin M, Mundorf A, Thiel F, Amatriain-Fernández S, Schulze Kalthoff I, Beucke J-C, Budde H, Garthus-Niegel S, Peterburs J, Relógio A. It’s About Time: The Circadian Network as Time-Keeper for Cognitive Functioning, Locomotor Activity and Mental Health. Frontiers in Physiology, 2022 April 25. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.873237 Link to full text. |
Thiel F, Büechl V C S, Rehberg F, Mojahed A, Daniels J K, Schellong J, Garthus-Niegel S. Changes in Prevalence and Severity of Domestic Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022 April 13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.874183 Link to full text. |
Junge-Hoffmeister J, Bittner A, Garthus-Niegel S, Goeckenjan M, Martini J, Weidner K. Subjective Birth Experience Predicts Mother–Infant Bonding Difficulties in Women With Mental Disorders. Frontiers in Global Women´s Health, 2022 April 11. doi: 10.3389/fgwh.2022.812055. Link to full text. |
Seefeld L, Mojahed A, Thiel F, Schellong J, Garthus-Niegel S. Preferences and Barriers to Counseling for and Treatment of Intimate Partner Violence, Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Postpartum Women: Study Protocol of the Cross-Sectional Study INVITE. Front Psychiatry, 2022 Mar 29. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.836350. Link to full text. |
Seefeld L, Buyukcan-Tetik A, Garthus-Niegel S. The transition to parenthood: perspectives of relationship science theories and methods. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2022 Mar 15. doi: 10.1080/02646838.2022.2039864. Link to full text. |
Asselmann E, Garthus-Niegel S, Martini J. Personality and Peripartum Changes in Perceived Social Support: Findings From Two Prospective-Longitudinal Studies in (Expectant) Mothers and Fathers. Front. Psychiatry, 2022 Jan 20. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.814152. Link to full text. |
Seefeld L, Weise V, Kopp M, Knappe S, Garthus-Niegel S. Birth Experience Mediates the Association Between Fear of Childbirth and Mother-Child-Bonding Up to 14 Months Postpartum: Findings From the Prospective Cohort Study DREAM. Front. Psychiatry, 2022 Jan 20. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.776922. Link to full text. |
Asselmann E, Garthus-Niegel S, Knappe S, Martini J. Physical and mental health changes in the five years before and five years after childbirth: A population-based panel study in first-time mothers and fathers from Germany. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2022 Mar 15; 301:138–144. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.01.050. Link to abstract. |
2021: |
Thomson G, Diop MQ, Stuijfzand S, Horsch A, COST After birth Consortium (u.a. Susan Garthus-Niegel). Policy, service, and training provision for women following a traumatic birth: an international knowledge mapping exercise. BMC Health Services Research, 2021; 21:1206. doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-07238-x. Link to full text. |
Asselmann E, Garthus-Niegel S, Martini J. Personality impacts fear of childbirth and subjective birth experiences: A prospective-longitudinal study. PLoS ONE, 2021 Nov 3; 16(11):e0258696. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258696. Link to full text. |
Thiel F, Hochkeppel H, Weise V, Kopp M, Baumann S, Garthus-Niegel S.
Prospective associations between prepartum physical activity, birth experience, and maternal depressive symptoms in the postpartum period: Insights from the population-based DREAM cohort study. J Affect Disord, 2021; 297:366-374. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.10.060. Link to abstract. |
Bittner A, Coenen A, Garthus-Niegel S, Weidner K. Frühe bindungsfördernde Eltern-Kind-Therapie bei psychischen Störungen in der Postpartalzeit. Ärztliche Psychotherapie, 2021; 16(4):209–288. doi: 10.21706/aep-16-4. Link to abstract. |
Coenen A, Bittner A, Garthus-Niegel S, Weidner K. Postpartale psychische Störungen. Ärztliche Psychotherapie, 2021; 16:247–256. doi: 10.21706/aep-16-4-247. Link to abstract. |
Nuyts T, Van Haeken S, Crombag N, Singh B, Ayers S, Garthus-Niegel S, Braeken MAKA, Bogaerts A. “Nobody Listened”. Mothers’ Experiences and Needs Regarding Professional Support Prior to Their Admission to an Infant Mental Health Day Clinic. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Oct 17; 18(20):10917. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182010917. Link to full text. |
Weigl T, Beck-Hiestermann FML, Stenzel NM, Benson S, Schedlowski M, Garthus-Niegel S. Assessment of Childbirth-Related PTSD: Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the City Birth Trauma Scale. Front Psychiatry, 2021 Oct 6. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.731537. Link to full text. |
Deforges C, Noël Y, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A. Prenatal insomnia and childbirth-related PTSD symptoms: A prospective population-based cohort study. J Affect Disord, 2021 Aug; Vol. 295, pp. 305-315. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.08.024. Link to full text. |
Nicolaus C, Kress V, Kopp M, Garthus-Niegel S. The Impact of Parental Relationship Satisfaction on Infant Development: Results From the Population-Based Cohort Study DREAM. Front Psychol, 2021 Aug. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.667577. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Seefeld L, Mojahed A, Schellong J. Häusliche Gewalt im Kontext der COVID-19-Pandemie. Trauma & Gewalt, 2021 Aug; 15. Jahrgang, Heft 3, pp. 200-210. Link to abstract. |
Junge C, von Soest T, Seidler A, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S. Severe recalled labor pain and elective cesarean section in a subsequent delivery: a cohort study of Norwegian parous women. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2021 Jun 11. doi: 10.1111/aogs.14212. Online ahead of print. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Benyamini Y, Horsch A. Editorial: Perinatal Mental Health: Expanding the Focus to the Family Context. Front Psychiatry, 2021 Jul 19; 12:719053. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.719053. Link to full text. |
Schaber R, Kopp M, Zähringer A, Mack JT, Kress V, Garthus-Niegel S. Paternal Leave and Father-Infant Bonding: Findings From the Population-Based Cohort Study DREAM. Front. Psychol., 2021; 12:668028. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.668028. Link to full text. |
Kress V, von Soest T, Kopp M, Wimberger P, Garthus-Niegel S. Differential predictors of birth-related posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in mothers and fathers – A longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021; 292:121-130. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.05.058. Link to abstract. |
Weigl T, Garthus-Niegel S. Messinstrumente zur Erfassung von Bindungsaufbau während Schwangerschaft und nach der Geburt (Teil 3 einer Serie zur psychologischen Diagnostik im Peripartalzeitraum). Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol, 2021. doi: 10.1055/a-1471-8017. Link to full text. |
Weigl T, Garthus-Niegel S. Messinstrumente zur Erfassung von Geburtserwartungen und des Geburtserlebens (Teil 2 einer Serie zur psychologischen Diagnostik im Peripartalzeitraum). Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol, 2021. doi: 10.1055/a-1471-7714. Link to full text. |
Weigl T, Garthus-Niegel S. Messinstrumente zur peripartalen Diagnostik von Depression, Angst und Stress (Teil 1 einer Serie zur psychologischen Diagnostik im Peripartalzeitraum). Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol, 2021. doi: 10.1055/a-1471-7256. Link to full text. |
Horesh D, Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A. Childbirth-related PTSD: is it a unique post-traumatic disorder? Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2021; 39:3,221-224, doi: 10.1080/02646838.2021.1930739. Link to full text. |
Hegewald J, Romero Starke K, Garthus-Niegel S, Schulz A, Nübling M, Latza U, Jankowiak S, Liebers F, Rossnagel K, Riechmann-Wolf M, Letzel S, Arnold N, Beutel M, Gianicolo E, Pfeiffer N, Lackner K, Münzel T, Wild P, Seidler A. Work-life conflict and cardiovascular health: 5-year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study. PLoS ONE, 2021; 16(5): e0251260. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0251260. Link to full text. |
Knappe S, Petzoldt J, Garthus-Niegel S, Wittich J, Puls H-C, Huttarsch I and Martini J. Associations of Partnership Quality and Father-to-Child Attachment During the Peripartum Period. A Prospective-Longitudinal Study in Expectant Fathers. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021; 12:572755. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.572755. Link to full text. |
Mojahed A, Brym S, Hense H, Grafe B, Helfferich C, Lindert J, Garthus-Niegel S. Rapid Review on the Associations of Social and Geographical Isolation and Intimate Partner Violence: Implications for the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13 April 2021; 12:578150. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.578150. Link to full text. |
Deforges C, Stuijfzand S, Noël Y, Robertson M, Breines Simonsen T, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A. The relationship between early administration of morphine or nitrous oxide gas and PTSD symptom development. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021; 281, 557–566. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.12.051. Link to full text. |
Mojahed A, Alaidarous N, Kopp M, Pogarell A, Thiel F, Garthus-Niegel S. Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Among Intimate Partners During the Perinatal Period: A Narrative Literature Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021; 12, 601236. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.601236. Link to full text. |
2020: |
Thiel F, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S. The Impact of Perinatal Life Stress on Infant Temperament and Child Development: A 2-Year Follow-Up Cohort Study. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 2020; Publish Ahead of Print. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000887. Link to abstract. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Staudt A, Kinser P, Haga SM, Drozd F, Baumann S. Predictors and Changes in Paternal Perinatal Depression Profiles—Insights From the DREAM Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020; 11. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.563761. Link to full text. |
Thiel F, Pittelkow MM, Wittchen HU, Garthus-Niegel S. The Relationship Between Paternal and Maternal Depression During the Perinatal Period: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020; 11. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.563287. Link to full text. |
Karl M, Schaber R, Kress V, Kopp M, Martini J, Weidner K, Garthus-Niegel S. Precarious working conditions and psychosocial work stress act as a risk factor for symptoms of postpartum depression during maternity leave: Results from a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Public Health 2020; 20(1):1505. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09573-w. Link to full text. |
Lailach S, Langanke T, Zahnert T, Garthus-Niegel S, Neudert M. Impact of depressive disorders on quality of life after middle ear surgery in patients with chronic otitis media. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2020. doi: 10.1007/s00405-020-06397-7. Link to full text. |
Adler I, Weidner K, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S. The Impact of Maternal Symptoms of Perinatal Insomnia on Social-emotional Child Development: A Population-based, 2-year Follow-up Study. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 2020; 1–15. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2020.1746661. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A, von Soest T, Haga SM, Drozd F, Ayers S, Eberhard-Gran M. Posttraumatic stress symptoms following childbirth: Associations with prenatal attachment in subsequent pregnancies. Archives of Women’s Mental Health 2020; 23(4):547–555. doi: 10.1007/s00737-019-01011-0. Link to full text. |
Haga SM, Kinser P, Wentzel-Larsen T, Lisøy C, Garthus-Niegel S, Slinning K, Drozd F. Mamma Mia – A randomized controlled trial of an internet intervention to enhance subjective well-being in perinatal women. The Journal of Positive Psychology 2020; 1–9. doi: 10.1080/17439760.2020.1738535. Link to full text. |
Martini J, Beesdo-Baum K, Garthus-Niegel S, Wittchen HU. The course of panic disorder during the peripartum period and the risk for adverse child development: A prospective-longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020; 266:722–730. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.01.018. Link to abstract. |
Mojahed A, Alaidarous N, Shabta H, Hegewald J, Garthus-Niegel S. Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the Arab Countries: A Systematic Review of Risk Factors. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 2020; 152483802095309. doi: 10.1177/1524838020953099. Link to abstract. |
Rataj E, Garthus-Niegel, S. Auswirkungen extremer Wetterereignisse auf die psychische Gesundheit – eine Erörterung von Effekten im Globalen Süden. Public Health Forum 2020; 28(1):65–67. doi: 10.1515/pubhef-2019-0108. Link to full text. |
Romero Starke K, Hegewald J, Schulz A, Garthus-Niegel S, Nübling M, Wild PS, Arnold N, Latza U, Jankowia S, Liebers F, Rossnagel K, Riechmann-Wolf M, Letzel S, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N, Lackner K, Münzel T, Seidler A. Cardiovascular health outcomes of mobbing at work: Results of the population-based, five-year follow-up of the Gutenberg health study. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2020; 15(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s12995-020-00266-z. Link to full text. |
Schaber R, Karl M, Kopp M, Kress V, Weidner K, Martini J, Garthus-Niegel S. My job, my child, my house: The predictive value of job- and housework-related factors on depressive symptoms during the postpartum period. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020; 272:388–397. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.04.016. Link to abstract. |
Stuijfzand S, Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A. Parental Birth-Related PTSD Symptoms and Bonding in the Early Postpartum Period: A Prospective Population-Based Cohort Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020; 11:570727. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.570727. Link to full text. |
Thiel F, Iffland L, Drozd F, Haga SM, Martini J, Weidner K, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S. Specific relations of dimensional anxiety and manifest anxiety disorders during pregnancy with difficult early infant temperament: A longitudinal cohort study. Archives of Women’s Mental Health 2020; 23(4):535–546. doi: 10.1007/s00737-019-01015-w. Link to full text. |
Weidner K, Bittner A, Beutel M, Goeckenjan M, Brähler E, Garthus-Niegel S. The role of stress and self-efficacy in somatic and psychological symptoms during the climacteric period – Is there a specific association? Maturitas 2020; 136:1–6. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2020.03.004. Link to abstract. |
2019: |
Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A, von Soest T, Haga SM, Drozd F, Ayers S, Eberhard-Gran M. Posttraumatic stress symptoms following childbirth: associations with prenatal attachment in subsequent pregnancies. Archives of Women's Mental Health 2019. doi: 10.1007/s00737-019-01011-0. Link to full text. |
Horsch A, Garthus-Niegel S. Posttraumatic stress disorder following childbirth in Childbirth in Vulnerability and Law: Exploring Issues of Violence and Control (edited by Camilla Pickles and Jonathan Herring). Routledge, 2019. |
Kjeldgaard HK, Vikanes Å, Benth JŠ, Junge C, Garthus-Niegel S, Eberhard-Gran M. The association between the degree of nausea in pregnancy and subsequent posttraumatic stress. Archives of Women’s Mental Health 2019; 22(4), 493–501. doi: 10.1007/s00737-018-0909-z. Link to full text. |
Kress V, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Kopp M, Förster A, Altus C, Schier C, Wimberger P, Kirschbaum C, von Soest T, Weidner K, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Garthus-Niegel S. The Impact of Parental Role Distributions, Work Participation, and Stress Factors on Family Health-Related Outcomes: Study Protocol of the Prospective Multi-Method Cohort “Dresden Study on Parenting, Work, and Mental Health” (DREAM). Frontiers in Psychology 2019; 10:1273. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01273. Link to full text. |
Pogarell A, Garthus-Niegel S, Mojahed A, von Verschuer C, Rokyta U, Kummer W, Schellong J. Community Case Study on Trauma-Specific Treatment and Counseling for Refugee Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2019; 10:891. doi. 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00891. Link to full text. |
Polte C, Junge C, von Soest T, Seidler A, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S. Impact of Maternal Perinatal Anxiety on Social-Emotional Development of 2-Year-Olds, A Prospective Study of Norwegian Mothers and Their Offspring: The Impact of Perinatal Anxiety on Child Development. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2019; 23(3), 386–396. doi: 10.1007/s10995-018-2684-x. Link to full text. |
2018: |
Preis H, Benyamini Y, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S. Childbirth preferences and related fears - comparison between Norway and Israel. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018; 18:362. doi: 10.1186/s12884-018-1997-5. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A, Handtke E, von Soest T, Weidner K, Eberhard-Gran M. The impact of postpartum posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms on couples’ relationship satisfaction: a population-based prospective study. Frontiers in Psychology 2018; 9:1728. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01728. Link to full text. |
Cavazzana A, Röhrborn A, Garthus-Niegel S, Larsson M, Hummel T, Croy I. Sensory-specific impairment among older people. An investigation using both objective and subjective measures across the five senses. PLOS ONE 2018; 13(8): e0202969. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202969. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A, Bickle Graz M, Martini J, Weidner K, Eberhard-Gran M. The prospective relationship between postpartum PTSD and child sleep: A 2-year follow-up study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2018; 241:71-79. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2018.07.067. Link to abstract. |
Favrod C, du Chêne LJ, Martin-Soelch C, Garthus-Niegel S, Tolsa JF, Legault F, Briet V, Horsch A. Mental health symptoms and work-related traumatic and non-traumatic stressors in nurses working in the NICU: A cross-sectional mixed methods study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2018; 9:364, doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00364. Link to full text. |
Weidner K, Garthus-Niegel S, Junge-Hoffmeister J. Traumatische Geburtsverläufe: Erkennen und Vermeiden. Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie 2018; 222(5):189-196. doi: 10.1055/a-0641-6584. Link to full text. |
Junge C, von Soest T, Weidner K, Seidler A, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S. Labor pain in women with and without severe fear of childbirth: a population-based, longitudinal study. Birth 2018; 45(4):469-477. doi: 10.1111/birt.12349. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A, Ayers S, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Weidner K, Eberhard-Gran M. The influence of postpartum PTSD on breastfeeding: a longitudinal population-based study. Birth 2018; 45(2):193-201. doi: 10.1111/birt.12328. Link to full text. |
2017: |
Martini J, Weidner K, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Garthus-Niegel S. Postpartale posttraumatische Belastungsstörung: Bedingungsfaktoren, diagnostische Besonderheiten und Implikationen für die kindliche Entwicklung. Trauma und Gewalt 2017; 11(4):280-293. doi: 10.21706/tg-11-4-280. Link to abstract. |
Martini J, Petzold J, Knappe S, Garthus-Niegel S, Asselmann E, Wittchen HU. Infant, maternal, and familial predictors and correlates of regulatory problems in early infancy: The differential role of infant temperament and maternal anxiety and depression. Early Human Development 2017; 115:23-31. doi: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2017.08.005. Link to abstract. |
Martini J, Knappe S, Garthus-Niegel S, Hoyer J. Psychische Störungen bei Frauen: Verlauf und Besonderheiten im Zusammenhang mit den reproduktiven Phasen. Frauenheilkunde up2date 2017; 11(3), 267-285. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-122585. Link to abstract. |
Olieman R, Siemonsma F, Bartens MA, Garthus-Niegel S, Scheele F, Honig A. The effect of an elective cesarean section on maternal request on peripartum anxiety and depression in women with childbirth fear: A systematic review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2017; 17(1):195. doi: 10.1186/s12884-017-1371-z. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Ayers S, Martini J, von Soest T, Eberhard-Gran M. The impact of postpartum PTSD on childhood development: a population-based, 2 year follow-up study. Psychological Medicine 2017; 47(1):161-170. doi: 10.1017/S003329171600235X. Link to full text. |
Junge C, Garthus-Niegel S, Breines Simonsen T, Slinning K, Eberhard-Gran M. The Impact of Perinatal Depression on Children’s Social-Emotional Development: A Longitudinal Study. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2017; 21(3):607-615. doi: 10.1007/s10995-016-2146-2. Link to full text. |
2016: |
Rataj E, Kunzweiler K, Garthus-Niegel S. Extreme weather events in developing countries and related injuries and mental health disorders – a systematic review. BMC Public Health 2016; 16(1):1020. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3692-7. Link to full text. |
Jankowiak S, Backé E, Liebers F, Schulz A, Hegewald J, Garthus-Niegel S, Nübling M, Blankenberg S, Pfeiffer N, Lackner KJ, Beutel M, Blettner M, Münzel T, Wild PS, Seidler A, Letzel A, Latza U. Current and cumulative night shift work and subclinical atherosclerosis – Results of the Gutenberg Health Study. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2016; 89(8):1169-1182. doi: 10.1007/s00420-016-1150-6. Link to full text. |
Martini J, Knappe S, Garthus-Niegel S, Hoyer J. Psychische Störungen in den reproduktiven Phasen der Frau: Häufigkeiten, Verlauf und Besonderheiten. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 2016; 84(7):432-49. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-110838. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Hegewald J, Seidler A, Nübling M, Espinola-Klein C, Jankowiak S, Liebers F, Wild PS, Latza U, Letzel S. The Gutenberg Health Study: associations between occupational and private stress factors and work-privacy conflict. BMC Public Health 2016; 16:192. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-2881-8. Link to full text. |
Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Garthus-Niegel S, Eberhard-Gran M. Pediatric sleep problems and social-emotional problems. A population-based study. Infant Behavior and Development 2016; 42:111-118. doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2015.12.005. Link to full text. |
2015: |
Størksen HT, Garthus-Niegel S, Vangen S, Eberhard-Gran M. Fear of childbirth and elective caesarean section: a longitudinal population study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2015; 15:221. doi: 10.1186/s12884-015-0655-4. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Nübling M, Letzel S, Hegewald J, Wagner M, Wild PS, Blettner M, Zwiener I, Latza U, Jankowiak S, Liebers F, Seidler A. Development of a mobbing short scale in the Gutenberg Health Study. Int Arch Occup Environ Health ePub 2015; Article 2016; 89:137-146. doi: 10.1007/s00420-015-1058-6. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Ayers S, von Soest T, Torgersen L, Eberhard-Gran M. Maintaining factors of post-traumatic stress symptoms following childbirth: a population-based, 2 year follow-up study. J Affective Disord 2015; 172:146-152. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.10.003. Link to full text. |
2014: |
Dørheim SK, Garthus-Niegel S, Bjorvatn B, Eberhard-Gran M. Personality and perinatal maternal insomnia: a study across childbirth. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 2014; 14(1):34-48. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2014.941063. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, von Soest T, Knoph C, Breines Simonsen T, Torgersen L, Eberhard-Gran M. The influence of women’s preferences and actual mode of delivery on post-traumatic stress symptoms following childbirth: a population-based, longitudinal study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2014; 14:191. doi: 10.1186/1471-2393-14-191. Link to full text. |
Garthus-Niegel S, Knoph C, von Soest T, Nielsen CS, Eberhard-Gran M. Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms in a Longitudinal Cohort Study: The Role of Labor Pain and Subjective Birth Experiences. Birth, 2014; 41:108-115. doi: 10.1111/birt.12093. Link to full text. |
2013: |
Garthus-Niegel S, von Soest T, Vollrath ME, Eberhard-Gran M. The Impact of Subjective Birth Experiences on Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms: A Longitudinal Study. Arch Womens Ment Health 2013; 16(1):1-10. doi: 10.1007/s00737-012-0301-3. Link to full text. |
Nübling M, Seidler A, Garthus-Niegel S, Latza U, Wagner M, Hegewald J, Liebers F, Jankowiak S, Brendler C, Zwiener I, Wild P, Letzel S. The Gutenberg Health Study: measuring psychosocial factors at work and predicting health and work-related outcomes with the ERI and the COPSOQ Questionnaire. BMC Public Health 2013; 13:538. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-538. Link to full text. |
Størksen HT, Garthus-Niegel S, Vangen S, Eberhard-Gran M. The impact of previous birth experiences on maternal fear of childbirth. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2013; 92(3):318-324. doi: 10.1111/aogs.12072. Link to full text. |
2012: |
Nordeng H, Hansen C, Garthus-Niegel S, Eberhard-Gran M. Fear of childbirth, mental health and medication use during pregnancy. Arch Womens Ment Health 2012; 15(3);203-209. doi: 10.1007/s00737-012-0278-y. Link to full text. |
Størksen HT, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S, Eskild A. Fear of childbirth; the relation to anxiety and depression. Acta Obstetrica et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2012, 91(2):237-242. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0412.2011.01323.x. Link to full text. |