Dr. Julius Jeiter

Postdoc / Wissenschaftlicher Assistent
NameHerr Dr. Julius Jeiter
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- Funktionelle Morphologie und Anatomie der Angiospermen
- Angiospermen Systematik
- Blüten- und Fruchtentwicklung und -evolution
seit 2023 | Postdoc/ Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (Prof. Dr. Neinhuis), Professur für Botanik, Fakultät Biologie, Technische Universität Dresden, Deutschland |
2019-2023 | Postdoc/ Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (Prof. Dr. Weigend), Nees-Institut für Biodiversität der Pflanzen, Universität Bonn, Deutschland |
seit 2020 | Associate Editor, Plant Systematics and Evolution |
2015-2019 | Doktorand (finanziert von der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes), Nees-Institut für Biodiversität der Pflanzen, Universität Bonn, Deutschland |
2011-2014 | Master of Science in Biodiversität, Evolution und Ökologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland |
2008-2011 | Bachelor of Science in Biologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland |
- El Ottra, J. H. L. E., J. F. G. Toni, P. Thaowetsuwan, P. D. Santos, J. Jeiter, L. R. D. Craene, K. Bull-Hereñu, and R. Claβen-Bockhoff. 2024. Pollen transfer within flowers: how pollen is secondarily presented. International Journal of Plant Sciences: 185: 15–31.
Jeiter, J., and E. Smets. 2023. Integrating comparative morphology and development into evolutionary research. Taxon 72: 724–732.
Jeiter, J., M.-A. Vasile, E. M. Lewin, and M. Weigend. 2023. The odd one out: a comparison of flower and fruit development in holoparasitic Pholisma arenarium (Lennoaceae, Boraginales) to that in closely related Ehretiaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences 184: 1–18.
Vasile, M.-A., M. Weigend, A. Ziegler, and J. Jeiter. 2022. Flower and fruit development of three species of Hydrophylleae sheds new light on flower evolution in Hydrophyllaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences 183: 331–347.
Bull–Hereñu, K., P. dos Santos, J. F. G. Toni, J. H. L. El Ottra, P. Thaowetsuwan, J. Jeiter, L. P. Ronse De Craene, and A. Iwamoto. 2022. Mechanical forces in floral development. Plants 11: 661.
- Vasile, M.-A., F. Luebert, J. Jeiter, and M. Weigend. 2021. Fruit evolution in Hydrophyllaceae. American Journal of Botany 108: 925–945.
- Vasile, M.-A., J. Jeiter, M. Weigend, and F. Luebert. 2020. Phylogeny and historical biogeography of Hydrophyllaceae and Namaceae, with a special reference to Phacelia and Wigandia. Systematics and Biodiversity 18: 757–770.
- Jeiter, J., S. Langecker, and M. Weigend. 2020. Towards an integrative understanding of stamen–corolla tube modifications and floral architecture in Boraginaceae s.s. (Boraginales). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 193: 100–124.
- Jeiter, J., Y. M. Staedler, J. Schönenberger, M. Weigend, and F. Luebert. 2018. Gynoecium and fruit development in Heliotropium sect. Heliothamnus (Heliotropiaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 179: 275–286.
- Jeiter, J., and M. Weigend. 2018. Simple scales make complex compartments – ontogeny and morphology of stamen-corolla tube modifications in Hydrophyllaceae (Boraginales). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125: 802–820.
Jeiter, J., H. H. Hilger, E. F. Smets, and M. Weigend. 2017. The relationship between nectaries and floral architecture: a case study in Geraniaceae and Hypseocharitaceae. Annals of Botany 120: 791–803.
Jeiter, J., M. Weigend, and H. H. Hilger. 2017. Geraniales flowers revisited: evolutionary trends in floral nectaries. Annals of Botany 119: 395–408.
- Jeiter, J., F. Danisch, and H. H. Hilger. 2016. Polymery and nectary chambers in Codon (Codonaceae) – flower and fruit development in a small, capsule-bearing family of Boraginales. Flora 220: 94–102.