Prof Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Doert

Private Lecturer and Associated Professor
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Thomas Doert
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Visiting address:
Chemie/Hydrowissenschaften, CHE 456 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
- Chemistry studies (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf), Diploma 1991
- dissertation (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, group of P. Böttcher), topic: Thallium-rich compounds, PhD 1994
- since 1994 scientific co-worker TU Dresden, Inorganic Chemistry
- 2002 Research stay Stockholm University (S. Lidin)
- 2006 Habilitation, topic: Structural chemistry of rare earth metal polychalcogenides
- 2007 Appointment as Privatdozent
- 2012 Appointment as außerplanmäßiger Professor
- 2015 - 2017 Acting Chair Inorganic Chemistry II at TU Dresden
Research interests
- Develpoment and optimization of new synthesis routes
- Synthesis of new materials
- Relationships between structure, properties and chemical bonding in solids
- Structure determination, modulated crystal structures, symmetry relations
Research projects
- DFG Collaborate Research Center 1143: Correlated magnetism: From frustration to topology
- DFG Research Training Group 1621: Itinerant magnetism and superconductivity in intermetallic compunds
- Topological Insolators (DFG Priority Program 1666)
- Materials synthesis in Ionic Liquids, elucidation of reaction mechanisms
- Rational synthesis planning, structure systematics and physical properties of rare earth metal polytellurides RETe2‒δ
- Energy-efficient synthesis of intermetallic compounds via microwave-assisted polyol-reduction and elucidation of reaction mechanisms to develop adapted reaction conditions for targeted material syntheses
- TU Dresden Chemistry Bachelor and Master courses
- BA-CH-ACII: Inorganic Chemistry II
- MA-CH-MRC07: Solid State Chemistry
- MA-CH-MRC09: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- MA-CH-MRBO03: Structure determination with diffraction methods
- TU Dresden, minor
- Inorganic Chemistry as non-physical minor for master students in Physics
- Guest professor ECPM - Université de Strasbourg
- Lecture Material synthesis