Exercises "Moderne Methoden der Analytik" Chem-Ma-C07 (Summer semester)
Chem-Ma-C07 - Moderne Methoden der Analytik
Dr. Susanne Machill
Bioanalytische Chemie, Neubau Chemie, Raum 238
phone: 463-32505
The seminar takes places in the second part of semester on Thursday 7:30 a.m.
Possible Topics you can find in OPAL (https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/483360775/CourseNode/1678419131312239011).
Literature essay and oral presentation during the seminar
- Topics usually for two students
- Electronic form of the essay must include the correct list of references and details of
search query (query formulations to the research systems and a statistics on key
dates), max. 20 A4 pages
- Oral presentation: 30 minutes, followed by discussion