Jun 24, 2021
Guest Lecture Prof. Janina Maultzsch

Guest Lecture Prof. Janina Maultzsch
The CRC 1415’s consortium was pleased to invite Prof. Janina Maultzsch, Department of Physics Condensed Matter, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuernberg, for the CRC seminar talk on June 24, 2021. Within the frame of her presentation “Optical and vibrational properties of novel 2D materials“, she presented recent experimental and theoretical results on the optical and vibrational properties of such 2D materials and heterostructures. In few-layer structures of transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), we discuss simulations of interlayer excitons. Furthermore, she proposed novel 2D antimony oxide structures which show tunable electronic properties depending on the oxygen content.
We thank Prof. Janina Maultzsch and the audience for a great seminar!