Algebra (from Arabic: al-dschabr "the joining of broken parts") is one of the oldest scientific disciplines of all. As a doctrine of solving equations and systems of equations, it already developed in Babylon and in ancient Egypt. In the 19th century this theory ("classical algebra") was largely completed by the fundamental theorem of algebra by Gauss and the Abel-Ruffini theorem. Modern algebra developed - on the basis of the work of Galois and Abel - as the theory of algebraic structures, above all of groups, rings and fields. Algebra has fundamental importance within mathematics, since almost all mathematics is based on sets and operations or relations on their elements. In addition to mathematics, various sub-areas of algebra are essential for other research areas, e.g. for symmetry studies in physics and chemistry or for coding theory and cryptography in computer science.
Algebra is a rich field of science with many exciting and dynamic fields of research.