Herzlich Willkommen auf dem Portal der Fakultät Mathematik für Schülerinnen und Schüler
Auf dieser Seite findet Ihr unsere Angebote für Schülerinnen und Schüler. Vom Praktikum, über wöchentliche Mathezirkel und jährliche Mathe-Camps bis zu Info-Veranstaltungen für Klassen und Schulen, und noch mehr...

Offers for pupils
The Faculty of Mathematics offers a wide range of activities for pupils:
- weekly math circles for students (grades 6-12)
- East Saxon Math and Computer Science Camp for girls during the fall break (grades 7-12)
- Mathematics master class (grade 7)
- Mathematics correspondence circle (grade 8)
- Student university (grades 9 - 13) and summer university (grades 10 - 13)
- Student internship - company internship (grade 9)
- Annual assignments (grade 11)
- Special learning achievements - BeLL (grade 12)
- Individual support for particularly gifted students (all grades)
- Lectures and information events (for classes and schools)
- There are also regular general information events:
The Faculty of Mathematics opens its doors
The support of mathematically gifted and interested pupils is particularly important to us. If you have any questions, suggestions or requests regarding our offer, please feel free to contact us directly.