The Faculty of Mathematics
The Faculty of Mathematics is part of the School of Science. We are one of the largest mathematical departments in Germany with a broad range of subjects, divided into six institutes with 27 professors. As part of a technical university, we are concentrating on interdisciplinary and application-relevant research topics, which we have bundled in two research foci 'Partial Differential Equations & Applications' and 'Discrete Structures and Optimisation'. Within the field of mathematics, we work across several disciplines and combine the main areas of research and teaching: Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Numerics & Optimisation, Probability Theory & Statistics and Scientific Computing.

Organisational Details ...
can be found here with the overviews for the Institute and Professorships. You can reach the speaker of the faculty, the Dean of Studies and many other contact persons via the Dean's Office.
You can find all events of the department and can browse our collections 'Mathematical Models' and 'Historical Calculators'.
We provide information and contact persons for the studies under the tab Studies and Prospective Students.