Marco Salvalaglio

Emmy Noether Nachwuchsgruppenleiter
NameHerr Prof. Dr. Marco Salvalaglio
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Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Bürogebäude Z21, 237 Zellescher Weg 25
01217 Dresden
I'm a theoretical material scientist working at the crossroads between solid-state physics, computational material science and applied mathematics. My research focuses on the modeling and simulation of material properties/evolution and related fields, such as pattern recognition and analysis. I mainly exploit continuum elasticity models, Phase-Field / Phase-Field Crystals models, and Finite Element Method calculations. I'm interested in developing continuum and coarse-grained approaches, able to explain and tailor the outcome of experiments. Since March 2021, I'm leading the Mesoscale Material Modeling & Simulations Group at TU-Dresden, IWR & Dresden Center for Comp. Mat. Sci. (DCMS) funded by the Emmy Noether Programme (DFG).
CV - Short Bio.
2024 | Professorship (apl) of Computational Materials Science |
2024 | Richard von Mises Prize - GAMM |
2023 | Fellowship of the Young Academy of Europe |
2023 | MSMSE Emerging Leader - Award Winner |
from 2021 |
Group Leader - Emmy Noether Programme Mesoscale Material Modeling & Simulations Group TU-Dresden, IWR & Dresden Center for Comp. Mat. Sci. (DCMS) |
2021 | TU-Dresden Young Investigator |
2018 - 2020 | Postdoctoral Fellow at TU-Dresden, IWR |
2020 | Italian Habilitation (ASN) as Associate Professor (2020) and Full Professor (2025) in Theoretical Condensed-Matter Physics (02/B2) |
2019 |
Junior Visiting Fellow at Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Studies & Visiting Researcher at MSE Dept. - CityU Hong Kong |
2019 | Visiting Fellow at Aalto University (Dept. of Applied Physics) |
2016 - 2018 |
Alexander von Humboldt (Avh) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship: AvH Fellow at TU-Dresden, IWR & Guest Scientist at the Materials Research Department of IHP-Microelectronics |
2016 | Ph.D. Materials Science - University of Milano-Bicocca |
2012 | M.Sc. Physics - University of Milano-Bicocca |
2010 | B.Sc. Physics - University of Milano-Bicocca |
Research Interests
- Continuum and mesoscale modeling of material properties
- Phase-Field and (Amplitude) Phase-Field Crystal modeling
- Surface diffusion, Dewetting, Heteroepitaxy
- Defects in Crystals and Grain Boundaries
- Pattern formation and analysis, Correlated disorder
- Scientific Computing
Master Thesis / SHK: Students (m/f/d) who aim at research projects in computational materials science or applied mathematics are always welcome. Possible topics relate to these activities (not restricted to): i) Elasticity in coarse-grained atomistic description (e.g. PFC); ii) Improvements of phase-field (PF) modeling techniques (modeling/numerics aspects); iii) PF simulations of thin films, polycrystals, two-phase systems; iv) Combining PF and Machine learning methods; iv) Properties and inverse design of disordered correlated systems. If interested, please contact me
For Available Positions (e.g. Ph.D.) and/or information on how to join the Mesoscale Material Modeling & Simulations Group see Join us!
Selected invited talks
- Distinguished Lecture: "Disconnection flow-mediated microstructure evolution", EUROMECH International Colloquium on “Mechanics of Interfaces”, Metz (FR), August 2025
Topical Talk: "Understanding the impact of disconnection flow on microstructure evolution, Defects of Defects Topical session, DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section , Regensburg (DE), March 2025
Unveiling local structures in hyperuniform patterns via persistent homology and topological statistics. Hyperuniformity and related topics workshop, Paris (FR), December 2024.
Microscopically-informed phase field models of grain growth: benchmarks and application.
CHiMaD Phase Field Methods XVII workshop, Chicago (US), November 2024.
Tailoring the self-assembly of ordered and hyperuniform nanostructures by solid-state dewetting.NanoSea-2024, Marseille (FR), July 2024.
Coarse-grained phase field crystal modeling of elasticity and defects. The 5th International Symposium on Phase-Field Modelling in Materials Science, Hangzhou, (CN), May 2024.
Richard-von-Mises Prize Plenary Lecture 2024: Bridging scales in mechanics: mesoscale modeling of crystalline materials. GAMM Annual Meeting, Magdeburg (DE), March 2024.
Elasticity and plasticity at the mesoscale by phase field crystal modeling.RAM3: Recent Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics of Materials, Rome (IT), February 2024.
IOM Colloquium: Tailoring the self-assembly of ordered and correlated-disordered nanostructures by solid-state dewetting: a modeling perspective. Leibnitz Institute of Surface Engineering, Leipzig (DE), May 2023.
Karlsruher Werkstoffkolloquium: Self-assembly of ordered and correlated-disordered nanostructures by solid-state dewetting.Institute for Applied Materials, KIT, Karlsruhe (DE), May 2023.
Interface faceting-defaceting mediated by disconnections. EarthFlows workshop '22
Oslo (NO), June 2022.
Continuum modeling and simulation of solid-state dewetting. SemiconNano2021, Milano (IT), Sept. 2021.
Effect of compositional strain and cottrell atmospheres in binary systems by amplitude PFC modeling. SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science (MS20), Bilbao (SP), May 2021.
Oral-Highlight: Closing the gap between atomic-scale lattice deformations and continuum elasticity within the PFC framework. The 4th International Symposium on Phase‑Field Modelling in Materials Science, Bochum (DE), July 2019.
Crystal growth and morphological evolution of thin films by PF modeling PULSE 2019 - International Conference of GDR PULSE, Clermont-Ferrand (FR), July 2019.
Complex morphological evolution of thin-films by phase field modeling and simulation.European Material Research Society (E-MRS) Fall Meeting, Warsaw (PL) Sept. 2018.
Coarse-grained, three-dimensional modeling of defect networks by the amplitude expansion of the PFC model.Particle-based methods in materials science, ICMS Edinburgh (Scotland - UK), July 2018.
Complex dewetting scenarios of ultra-thin silicon films. DIMAT 2017 - 10th International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, Haifa (IL). May 2017.
Inferring traits of hyperuniformity from local structures via persistent homology , 7 April 2025, in: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 37, 14, 145401Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Hybrid-PFC: Coupling the phase-field crystal model and its amplitude-equation formulation , 1 März 2025, in: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 436, 117719Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
A non-isothermal phase-field crystal model with lattice expansion: Analysis and benchmarks , 8 Jan. 2025, in: Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 33, 2, 025007Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Mesoscale modeling of deformations and defects in thin crystalline sheets , Nov. 2024, in: Mechanics of Materials. 198, 105114Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Mesoscale field theory for quasicrystals , Okt. 2024, in: Physical Review Research. 6, 4, 043285Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Grain boundaries are Brownian ratchets , 30 Aug. 2024, in: Science. 385, 6712, S. 980-985, 6 S.Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Nonequilibrium hyperuniform states in active turbulence , 11 Juni 2024, in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121, 24, e2320719121Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Gradient elasticity in Swift-Hohenberg and phase-field crystal models , 8 Mai 2024, in: Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 32 (2024), 5, 27 S., 055005Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Persistent homology and topological statistics of hyperuniform point clouds , April 2024, in: Physical Review Research. 6, 2, 023107 Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Strain engineering of the electronic states of silicon-based quantum emitters , 2 Feb. 2024, in: Advanced optical materials. 12, 4, 12 S., 2301608Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
See also: Google Scholar ; ResearchGate; OrcID; Publons
Sommersemester 2024
Advanced Concepts of Scientific Computing (MATH - CMS). Links: Course Page in OPAL; Course Page in SELMA
Sommersemester 2018-2023
Advanced Concepts of Scientific Computing
Sommersemester 2016
Graduate Lectures on "Continuum modeling of Heteroepitaxy"