27.11.2023; Vortrag
Institutsseminar(Canceled) André Massing: Cut finite element methods for pdes on surfaces
Vortragender/Speaker: André Jürgen Massing (NTNU)
Ansprechpartner/Contact: Prof. Dr. Axel Voigt
Video conference (BBB): (on request)
---> Unfortunately the lecture has to be canceled
Titel/Title: TBA
André Massing will give us an insight into his latest research work, for example on cut finite-element methods for surface PDEs and the discretization of the (Navier) Stokes equations in complicated geometries.
Short Bio
André received his PhD in Computional Mathematics from the University of Oslo in 2012. After working as Postdoc and Assistant Professor at Umeå University in Sweden, he returned to Norway, where he is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. André's research centers around the analysis, algorithmic realization and applications of novel discretization method for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with a particular emphasis on complex multiphysics problems. In recents years, he has focused on surface PDEs and mixed-dimensional PDEs arising in e.g. computational cell biology.