22.03.2021; Vortrag
InstitutsseminarDr. Julia Orlik: Homogenization and simulation of textiles
BBB (Guests): https://tud.link/n74t
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Vortragender: Dr. Julia Orlik (Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik)
Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Stefan Neukamm
Link zur Videokonferenz: BBB (ZIH-Login) BBB (Guests)
Homogenization and simulation of textiles
In textiles, the behavior of the material is determined by the structural arrangements of the fibers, their thickness and cross-section as well as the properties of the fibers themselves. The friction between yarns also plays a crucial role in the textile behavior. The talk is based on the mathematical modeling, homogenization approach and is illustrated by examples on woven, knitted and spacer fabrics. This talk summarizes rigorous results of asymptotic analysis and algorithms for simulation of textiles. Some of the theoretical results are validated by experiments.
(Julia Orlik, joint works with S. Wackerle, G.Griso, Riccardo Falconi, David Neusius, Konrad Steiner)