Welcome at the chair of Applied Analysis
Applied analysis is mathematics at the interface to other sciences, e.g. the natural-, engineering- and life sciences. In applied analysis we seek to understand phenomena observed in nature by means of mathematical analysis and modeling. Motivated by that we study and develop theoretical mathematical methods.
In research Prof. Dr. Stefan Neukamm and his group focus on the analysis and modeling of multiscale problems based on methods from the theory of partial differential equations and the Calculus of Variations. A central topic in our research is homogenization, which is about the mathematical derivation of macroscopic models from models resolving smaller scales. We are interested in problems with applications in continuum mechanics (in particular solid mechanics) and materials science.
We offer courses on the bachelor and master level. Topics include basic and advanced courses in the theory of partial differential equations, the Calculus of Variations and Multiscale Analysis. Moreover, we offer courses and seminars on mathematical modeling and basic courses on mathematics for engineers.
Together with Prof. Ralph Chill (Institute for Analysis) we organize a reading seminar on functional- and applied analysis.