Extreme sample conditions
We put our samples into extreme sample conditions of very low temperature, high magnetic field, and high hydrostatic and uniaxial pressure. At the same time, we strive for the best possible resolution in our experiments with low noise levels.
Low temperatures and high magnetic fields
Our group is responsible of several cryostats. Measurements of magnetic properties and electric transport with and without pressure are carried out in our own Oxford K400 dilution refrigerator with a 15 T/ 17 T magnet.
Thermal conductivity is measured in a dedicated dilution refrigerator owned by the MPI CPfS but under our responsibility. It has an 8 T superconducting magnet.
We are setting up a He3/VTI cryostat with a magnet of 16 T for thermal transport measurements.
High pressure
We use piston-cylinder type pressure cells to reach hydrostatic pressures of 3 GPa. We also collaborate with other groups for higher pressures by using diamond-anvil cells.
Furthermore, we are starting to use uniaxial pressure cells.