[62] Electronuclear Quantum Criticality
J. Banda, D. Hafner, J. F. Landaeta, E. Hassinger, K. Mitsumoto, M. Giovannini, J. G. Sereni, C. Geibel, and M. Brando
[61] Exposing the odd-parity superconductivity in CeRh2As2 with hydrostatic pressure
K. Semeniuk, M. Pfeiffer, J. F. Landaeta, M. Nicklas, C. Geibel, M. Brando, S. Khim, and E. Hassinger
Phys. Rev. B 110, L100504 (2024)
[60] Pressure-tuned quantum criticality in the locally non-centrosymmetric superconductor CeRh2As2
M. Pfeiffer, K. Semeniuk, J. F. Landaeta, R. Borth, C. Geibel, M. Nicklas, M. Brando, S. Khim, and E. Hassinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 126506 (2023)
[59] Evidence for vertical line nodes in Sr2RuO4 from nonlocal electrodynamics
J. F. Landaeta, K. Semeniuk, J. Aretz, K. Shirer, D. A. Sokolov, N. Kikugawa, Y. Maeno, I. Bonalde, J. Schmalian, A. P. Mackenzie, E. Hassinger
Phys. Rev. B 110, L100503 (2024)
[58] The Magnetic phase diagram of rouaite Cu2(OH)3NO3
A.M. Chakkingal, A. A. Kulbakov, J. Grumbach, N. S. Pavlovskii, U. Stockert, K.K. Parui, M. Avdeev, R. Kumar, I. Niwata, E. Häußler, R. Gumeniuk, J. Ross Stewart, J. P. Tellam, V. Pomjakushin, S. Granovsky, M. Doerr, E. Hassinger, S. Zherlitsyn, Y. Ihara, D. S. Inosov, and D. C. Peets
Phys. Rev. B 110, 054442 (2024)
[57] The Lorenz ratio as a guide to scattering contributions to transport in strongly correlated metals
F. Sun, S. Mishra, U. Stockert, R. Daou, N. Kikugawa, R. S. Perry, E. Hassinger, S. A. Hartnoll, A. P. Mackenzie, V. Sunko
PNAS 121, e2318159121 (2024), DOI:10.1073/pnas.2318159121
[56] Anisotropic Seebeck coefficient of Sr2RuO4 in the incoherent regime
R. Daou, S. Hébert, G. Grissonnanche, E. Hassinger, L. Taillefer, H. Taniguchi, Y. Maeno, A. S. Gibbs, and A. P. Mackenzie
Phys. Rev. B 108, L121106 (2023)
[55] Decoupling multiphase superconductivity from normal state ordering in CeRh2As2
K. Semeniuk, D. Hafner, P. Khanenko, T. Lühmann, J. Banda, J. F. Landaeta, C. Geibel, S. Khim, E. Hassinger, and M. Brando
Phys. Rev. B 107, L220504 (2023)
[54] Parity transition of spin-singlet superconductivity using sublattice degrees of freedom
S. Ogata, S. Kitagawa, K. Kinjo, K. Ishida, M. Brando, E. Hassinger, C. Geibel, and S. Khim
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 166001 (2023)
[53] Conventional type-II superconductivity in locally noncentrosymmetric LaRh2As2 single crystals
J. F. Landaeta, A. M. León, S. Zwickel, T. Lühmann, M. Brando, C. Geibel, E.-O. Eljaouhari, H. Rosner, G. Zwicknagl, E. Hassinger, and S. Khim
Phys. Rev. B 106, 014506 (2022)
[52] Field-angle dependence reveals odd-parity superconductivity in CeRh2As2
J. F. Landaeta, P. Khanenko, D. C. Cavanagh, C. Geibel, S. Khim, S. Mishra, I. Sheikin, P. M. R. Brydon, D. F. Agterberg, M. Brando, and E. Hassinger
Phys. Rev. X 12, 031001 (2022)
[51] Low-temperature thermal conductivity of the two-phase superconductor CeRh2As2
S. Onishi, U. Stockert, S. Khim, J. Banda, M. Brando, and E. Hassinger
Front. Electron. Mater., doi: 10.3389/femat.2022.880579 (2022)
[50] Two-Dimensional XY-Type Magnetic Properties of Locally Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor CeRh2As2
S. Kitagawa, M. Kibune, K. Kinjo, M. Manago, T. Taniguchi, and K. Ishida, M. Brando, E. Hassinger, H. Rosner, C. Geibel, and S. Khim
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 91, 043702 (2022)
[49] Observation of antiferromagnetic order as odd-parity multipoles inside the superconducting phase in CeRh2As2
M. Kibune, S. Kitagawa, K. Kinjo, M. Manago, T. Taniguchi, and K. Ishida, M. Brando, E. Hassinger, H. Rosner, C. Geibel, and S. Khim
Phys. Rev. Lett 128, 057002 (2022)
[48] Possible quadrupole density wave in the superconducting Kondo lattice CeRh2As2
D. Hafner, P. Khanenko, E.-O. Eljaouhari, R. Küchler, J. Banda, N. Bannor, T. Lühmann, J. F. Landaeta, S. Mishra, I. Sheikin, E. Hassinger, S. Khim, C. Geibel, G. Zwicknagl, and M. Brando
Phys. Rev. X 12, 011023 (2022)
[47] S. Khim, J. Landaeta, J. Banda, N. Bannor, M. Brando, P. M. R. Brydon, D. Hafner, R. Küchler, R. Cardoso-Gil, U. Stockert, A. P. Mackenzie, D. Agterberg, C. Geibel, and E. Hassinger
Science 373, 1012 (2021)
Press coverage:
Science Vol 373, No. 6558 Driving Multiphase Superconductivity
Science Perspective: Driving multiphase superconductivity, A. Pourret, G. Knebel, Science 373, 962 (2021)
Popular article:
Physics Today 74, 11, 19 (2021); doi: 10.1063/PT.3.4876
An unusual material hosts both even and odd superconducting phases, Physics Today 74, 19 (2021)
[46] Weyl nodes close to the Fermi energy in NbAs
M. Naumann, F. Arnold, Z. Medvecka, S.-C. Wu, V. Süß, M. Schmidt, B. Yan, N. Huber, L. Worch, M. A. Wilde, C. Felser, Y. Sun, and E. Hassinger
Phys. Stat. Sol. B 259, 2100165 (2022),
[45] Fermi surface of the skutterudite CoSb3: Quantum oscillations and band-structure calculations
M. Naumann, P. Mokhtari, F. Arnold, M. Pillaca, S. Flipo, D. Sun, H. Rosner, A. Leithe-Jasper, P. Gille, M. Baenitz, and E. Hassinger
Phys. Rev. B 103, 085133 (2021),
[44] Anisotropic superconductivity and quantum oscillations in the layered dichalcogenide TaSnS2
M. Feig, M. Baenitz, M. Bobnar, K. Lüders, M. Naumann, W. Schnelle, S. Medvediev, K.M. Ranjith, E. Hassinger, T. Weigel, D. C. Meyer, A. Leithe-Jasper, J. Kortus, and R. Gumeniuk
Hassinger_PhysRev B 102, 214501 (2020)
[43] Valence effect on the thermopower of Eu systems
U. Stockert, S. Seiro, N. Caroca-Canales, E. Hassinger, and C. Geibel
Hassinger_Phys. Rev. B 101, 235106 (2020)
[42] Fermi surface of PtCoO2 from quantum oscillations and electronic structure calculations
F. Arnold, M. Naumann, H. Rosner, N. Kikugawa, D. Graf, L. Balicas, T. Terashima, S. Uji, H. Takatsu, S. Khim, A.P. Mackenzie, and E. Hassinger
Phys. Rev. B 101, 195101 (2020),
[41] Orbital effect and weak localisation in the longitudinal magnetoresistance of Weyl semimetals NbP, NbAs, TaP, and TaAs
M. Naumann, F. Arnold, M. D. Bachmann, K. A. Modic, P. J. W. Moll, V. Suess, M. Schmidt, and E. Hassinger
Phys. Rev. Mat. 4, 034201 (2020),
[40] Spatial control of heavy-fermion superconductivity in CeIrIn5
M. D. Bachmann, G. M. Ferguson, F. Theuss, T. Meng, C. Putzke, T. Helm, K. R. Shirer, Y.-S. Li, K. A. Modic, M. Nicklas, M. König, D. Low, S. Gosh, A. P. Mackenzie, F. Arnold, E. Hassinger, R. McDonald, L. E. Winter, E. D. Bauer, F. Ronning, B. J. Ramshaw, K. C. Nowack, P. J. W. Moll
Science 366, 221 (2019)
[39] Magnetic modification of electrical resistance
E. Hassinger and T. Meng
Science 365, 324 (2019)
[38] A leak in the academic pipeline: identity and health among postdoctoral women
R. Ysseldyk, K. Greenaway, E. Hassinger, S. Zutrauen, J. Lintz, M. Bhatia, M. Frye, E. Starkenburg, and V. Tai
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1297 (2019)
[37] Tracking Aluminium impurities in single crystals of the heavy-fermion superconductor UBe13
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[36] Application of SQUIDs to low temperature and high magnetic field measurements - Ultra low noise torque magnetometry -
F. Arnold, M. Naumann, T. Lühmann, A.P. Mackenzie, and E. Hassinger
Rev. Sci. Instr. 89, 023901 (2018)
[35] Quasi Two-Dimensional Fermi Surface Topography of the Delafossite PdRhO2
F. Arnold, M. Naumann, S. Khim, H. Rosner, V. Sunko, F. Mazzola, P.D.C. King, A.P. Mackenzie, and E. Hassinger
Phys. Rev. B 96, 075163 (2017)
[34] Vertical Line Nodes in the Superconducting gap structure of Sr2RuO4
E. Hassinger, P. Bourgeois-Hope, H. Taniguchi, S. René de Cotret, G. Grissonnanche, M. S. Anwar, Y. Maeno, N. Doiron-Leyraud, and L. Taillefer
Phys. Rev. X 7, 011032 (2017)
[33] Chiral Weyl pockets and Fermi surface topology of the Weyl semimetal TaAs
F. Arnold, M. Naumann, S.-C. Wu, Y. Sun, M. Schmidt, H. Borrmann, C. Felser, B. Yan, and E. Hassinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 146401 (2016)
[32] On the search for the chiral anomaly in Weyl semimetals: The negative longitudinal magnetoresistance
R. D. dos Reis, M. O. Ajeesh, N. Kumar, F. Arnold, C. Shekhar, M. Naumann, M. Schmidt, M. Nicklas, and E. Hassinger
New J. of Phys. 18, 085006 (2016)
[31] Negative magnetoresistance without well-defined chirality in the Weyl semimetal TaP
F. Arnold, C. Shekhar, S. C. Wu, Y. Sun, R. dos Reis, N. Kumar, M. Naumann, M.O. Ajeesh, M. Schmidt, A. Grushin, J. Bardarson, M. Baenitz, D. Sokolov, H. Borrmann, M. Nicklas, C. Felser, E. Hassinger,
B. Yan
Nat. Comm. 7, 11615 (2016)
[30] Expansion of the tetragonal magnetic phase with pressure in the iron arsenide superconductor Ba1-xKxFe2As2
E. Hassinger, G. Gredat, F. Valade, S. René de Cotret, O. Cyr-Choinière, A. Juneau-Fecteau, J.-Ph. Reid, H. Kim, M. A. Tanatar, R. Prozorov, B. Shen, H.-H. Wen, N. Doiron-Leyraud, and L. Taillefer
Phys. Rev. B 93, 144401 (2016)
[29] Nearly free electrons in a 5d delafossite oxide metal
P. Kushwaha, V. Sunko, P.J. Moll, L. Bawden, J.M. Riley, N. Nandi, H. Rosner, F. Arnold, E. Hassinger, T.K. Kim, M. Hoesch, A.P.Mackenzie, P.D.C. King, M. Schmidt
Science Advances 1, 1500692 (2015)
[28] Evidence for a small hole pocket in the Fermi surface of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy -
N. Doiron-Leyraud, S. Badoux, S. René de Cotret, S. Lepault, D. LeBoeuf, F. Laliberté, E. Hassinger, B. Ramshaw, D.A. Bonn, W.N. Hardy, R. Liang, J.H. Park, D. Vignolles, B. Vignolle, L. Taillefer & C. Proust
Nat. Comm. 6, 6034 (2015)
Before 2015
[27] Field-induced phenomena in ferromagnetic superconductors UCoGe and URhGe
D. Aoki, M. Taupin, C. Paulsen, F. Hardy, V. Taufour, H. Kotegawa, E. Hassinger, L. Malone, T. Matsuda, A. Miyake, I. Sheikin, W. Knafo, G. Knebel, L. Howald, J.-P. Brison, J. Flouquet
J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 81, SB002 (2012)
[26] Pressure-induced Fermi-surface reconstruction in the iron-arsenide superconductor Ba1-xKxFe2As2: Evidence of a phase transition inside the antiferromagnetic phase
E. Hassinger, G. Gredat, F. Valade, S. René de Cotret, A. Juneau-Fecteau, J.-Ph. Reid, H. Kim,
M. A. Tanatar, R. Prozorov, B. Shen, H.-H. Wen, N. Doiron-Leyraud, and L. Taillefer
Phys. Rev. B 86, 140502 (2012)
[25] Decrease of upper critical field with underdoping in cuprate superconductors
J. Chang, N. Doiron-Leyraud, O. Cyr-Choinière, G. Grissonnanche, F. Laliberté, E. Hassinger, J-Ph. Reid, R. Daou, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, L. Taillefer
Nature Physics 8, 751–756 (2012)
[24] High-field Fermi surface properties in the low-carrier heavy-fermion compound URu2Si2
D. Aoki, G. Knebel, I. Sheikin, E. Hassinger, L. Malone, T. Matsuda, J. Flouquet
J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 81, 74715 (2012)
[23] Details of sample dependence and transport properties of URu2Si2
T. Matsuda, E. Hassinger, D. Aoki, V. Taufour, G. Knebel, N. Tateiwa, E. Yamamoto, Y. Haga, Y. Onuki, Z. Fisk, J. Flouquet
J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 80, 14710 (2011)
[22] Isotropic three-dimensional gap in the iron arsenide superconductor LiFeAs from directional heat transport measurements
M. Tanatar, J.-Ph. Reid, S. René de Cotret, N. Doiron-Leyraud, F. Laliberte, E. Hassinger, J. Chang, H. Kim, K. Cho, Y. Song, Y. Kwon, R. Prozorov, L. Taillefer
Phys. Rev. B 84, 4507 (2011)
[21] Fermi-surface reconstruction by stripe order in cuprate superconductors
F. Laliberté, J. Chang, N. Doiron-Leyraud, E. Hassinger, R. Daou, M. Rondeau, B. Ramshaw, R. Liang, D. Bonn, W. Hardy, S. Pyon, T. Takayama, H. Takagi, I. Sheikin, L. Malone, C. Proust, K. Behnia, L. Taillefer
Nature Comm. 2, 432 (2011)
[20] Superconductivity reinforced by magnetic field and the magnetic instability in uranium ferromagnets
D. Aoki, T. Matsuda, F. Hardy, C. Meingast, V. Taufour, E. Hassinger, I. Sheikin, C. Paulsen, G. Knebel, H. Kotegawa, J. Flouquet
Phys. Soc. Jap. 80, SA008 (2011)
[19] Trends in heavy fermion matter
Flouquet, D. Aoki, F. Bourdarot, F. Hardy, E. Hassinger, G. Knebel, T. D. Matsuda, C. Meingast, C. Paulsen, V. Taufour
Phys.: Conf. Ser. 273 012031 (2011)
[18] Inelastic contribution of the resistivity in the hidden order in URu2Si2
E. Hassinger, T. D. Matsuda, G. Knebel, V. Taufour, D. Aoki and J. Flouquet
Phys.: Conf. Ser. 273 012001 (2011)
[17] Similarity of the Fermi surface in the hidden order and the antiferromagnetic state in URu2Si2
E. Hassinger, G. Knebel, T. Matsuda, D. Aoki, V. Taufour, J. Flouquet
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 216409 (2010)
[16] Temperature dependence of energy gap in the superconducting state in URu2Si2
F. Bourdarot, E. Hassinger, S. Raymond, D. Aoki, V. Taufour, J. Flouquet
J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 79, 94706 (2010)
[15] Precise study of the resonance at Q0 = (1,0,0) in URu2Si2
F. Bourdarot, E. Hassinger, S. Raymond, D. Aoki, V. Taufour, L.-P. Regnault, J. Flouquet
J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 79, 64719 (2010)
[14] Field re-entrant hidden-order phase under pressure in URu2Si2
D. Aoki , F. Bourdarot , E. Hassinger, G. Knebel , A. Miyake , S. Raymond , V. Taufour and J. Flouquet
J. of Phys.: Cond. Mat. 22, 164205 (2010)
[13] Pressure-phase diagram of UCoGe by ac-susceptibility and resistivity measurements
E. Hassinger, D. Aoki, G. Knebel and J. Flouquet
J. of Phys.: Conf. Ser. 200, 012055 (2010)
[12] Suppression of hidden order in URu2Si2 under pressure and restoration in magnetic field
E. Hassinger, D. Aoki, F. Bourdarot, G. Knebel, V. Taufour, S. Raymond, A. Villaume, J. Flouquet
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 251, 012001 (2010)
Suppression of hidden order in URu2Si2 under pressure and restoration in magnetic field
[11] Extremely large and anisotropic upper critical field and the ferromagnetic instability in UCoGe
D. Aoki, T. Matsuda, V. Taufour, E. Hassinger, G. Knebel, J. Flouquet
J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 78 113709 (2009)
[10] Anisotropic inelastic scattering and its interplay with superconductivity in URu2Si2
Z.W. Zhu, E. Hassinger, Z.A. Xu, D. Aoki, J. Flouquet, K. Behnia
Phys. Rev. B 80, 172501 (2009)
[9] Field reentrance of the hidden order state of URu2Si2 under pressure
D. Aoki, F. Bourdarot, E. Hassinger, G. Knebel, A. Miyake, S. Raymond, V. Taufour, J. Flouquet
J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 78 (2009)
[8] Pressure–temperature phase diagram of polycrystalline UCoGe studied by resistivity measurement
E. Hassinger, D. Aoki, G. Knebel, and J. Flouquet
J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 77, 073703 (2008)
[7] Signature of hidden order in the heavy fermion superconductor URu2Si2: Resonance at the wave vector Q = (1,0,0)
A. Villaume, F. Bourdarot, E. Hassinger, S. Raymond, V. Taufour, D. Aoki, J. Flouquet
Phys. Rev. B 78, 012504 (2008)
[6] Temperature-pressure phase diagram of URu2Si2 from resistivity measurements and ac calorimetry: Hidden order and Fermi surface nesting
E. Hassinger, G. Knebel, K. Izawa, P. Lejay, B. Salce, J. Flouquet
Phys. Rev. B 77, 115117 (2008)
[5] Skutterudite results shed light on heavy fermion physics
E. Hassinger, J. Derr, J. Levallois, D. Aoki, K. Behnia, F. Bourdarot, G. Knebel, C. Proust and J. Flouquet
J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 77, Suppl.A 172 (2008)
[4] Interplay between different states in heavy fermion physics
G. Knebel, K. Izawa, F. Bourdarot, E. Hassinger, B. Salce, D. Aoki, J. Flouquet
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 310 (2) I, 195 (2007)
[3] Localization of 4f state in YbRh2Si2 under magnetic field and high pressure: Comparison with CeRh2Si2
G. Knebel, R. Boursier, E. Hassinger, G. Lapertot, P. Niklowitz, A. Pourret, B. Salce, J.P. Sanchez, I. Sheikin, P. Bonville, H. Harima, J. Flouquet
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 75, 114709 (2006)
[2] On the high-pressure phase diagram of YbRh2Si2
G. Knebel, E. Hassinger, G. Lapertot, P. Niklowitz, J.P. Sanchez, J. Flouquet
Physica B 378-80, 68-69 (2006)
[1] Novel, non-contact noise thermometer for Millikelvin Temperatures
A. Netsch, E. Hassinger, C. Enss, A. Fleischmann
AIP Conference Proceedings 850, 1593-1594 (2006)