Chair of low-temperature physics of complex electron systems - Welcome!
The chair of Low-Temperature Physics of Complex Electron Systems at the Institute of Solid State and Materials Physics explores new fascinating states of matter occurring in quantum materials at low temperature. Our research group, led by Prof. Elena Hassinger, specialises in experimental investigations of bulk electronic and magnetic properties of unconventional metals, magnets and superconductors at very low temperatures, in high magnetic fields and under high pressure. We are also specialised in quantum oscillations, a fingerprint of clean metals giving microscopic information on the electronic states.
We study a broad range of physical phenomena, such as
- Emergent states in strongly correlated electron systems
- Unconventional superconductivity
- Heavy fermion systems
- Quantum magnets
- Topological states
We use different experimental techniques, such as
- Extreme sample environments of very low temperature, high magnetic field and high pressure
- High sensitivity measurements
The chair was established in 2022 and is part of the excellence cluster Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (ct.qmat) and the collaborative research center Correlated Magnetism: from Frustration to Topology (SFB1143). Part of the group works at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (MPI CPfS) under a Max Planck Fellowship. We are a diverse and international team.