Ph.D. theses
- Dr. Shouryya Ray, Emergence and Breakdown of Quantum Scale Symmetry: From Correlated Condensed Matter to Physics Beyond the Standard Model, 2018-2022, abstract, pdf
M.Sc. theses
- Max Fornoville, Fractionalized Fermionic Quantum Criticality in Kitaev Spin-Orbital Models, 2022-2023, pdf
- Wilhelm G. F. Krüger, Equivalence of Kitaev Physics for Extended Models on the Harmonic Honeycomb Lattices, 2018-2019, pdf
B.Sc. theses
- Jan Biedermann, Electronic Band Structure of Moiré Systems from Microscopic Tight Binding Models, 2024, pdf
Interested in a B.Sc. or M.Sc. thesis project in quantum condensed matter physics? Send an email to Lukas Janssen.