1st Symposium of the PhD program in Correlated Magnetism (SFB 1143)

Daryna Dmytriieva, winner of the Best Poster Award and Laura Köhler, winner of the Best Presentation Award during the1st Symposium of the PhD-program in Correlated Magnetism (SFB 1143).
The 1st Symposium of the PhD-program in Correlated Magnetism took place on April 5, 2018 on which SFB 1143 doctoral researchers presented their projects with short oral as well as poster presentations. Also, associated doctoral researchers of SFB project partners participated.
Besides the opportunity to present their research projects this Symposium offered the opportunity to get to know the research of other groups in the SFB, and to discuss different scientific approaches.
The best oral presentation and best poster presentation were awarded a prize. We congratulate Daryna Dmytriieva for winning the Best Poster Prize and Laura Köhler for winning the Best Presenation Award.
Date: Thu Apr 05
Location: IFW, D2E.27
THU | APR 05 | |
9:00 | Carsten Timm | Welcome |
9:05 | Emil Bergholtz | Keynote talk: Topology meets Frustration |
10:00 | Thomas Stöter | Lattice relaxation effects of the spin ice Dy2T2O7 |
10:20 | Lars Opherden | Inverted hysteresis and negative remanence in the antiferromagnet Nd2Hf2O7 |
10:40 | Coffee | |
11:00 | Shanu Dengre | Frozen state and persistent spin dynamics of new kagome compound Fe4Si2Sn7O16: An NMR, μSR and AC-susceptibility study |
11:20 | Sascha Bräuninger |
Persistent spin dynamics in NaCaCo2F7 as evidenced by μSR |
11:40 | Johannes Schoop | Experimental aspects of transport investigations of thin flakes |
12:00 | Angelo Pidatella |
Thermal conductivity of a twodimensional Z2 spin liquid |
12:20 | Lunch | |
13:30 | Laura Köhler | Topological domain walls in helimagnets |
13:50 | Yang Zhang | The Berry curvature dipole and dc photocurent in Weyl semimetal material |
14:10 | Michael Vogl |
Synthesis and magnetic properties of Double Perovskite with Ir4+-states |
14:30 | Mathis Antlauf | Synthesis of large Rare Earth Element Germanate Pyrochlore Single Crystals at High Pressure |
14:50 | Coffee | |
15:10 | Elevator Pitches | |
15:30 | Poster session | |
17:00 | Award Ceremony & Closing |
Poster Contributions
Randirley Beltrán Rodríguez | High pressure studies in α-RuCl3 and magnetic characterization of single crystals of La2MIrO6 (M=Zn,Co) |
Santanu Dey | Destruction of long-range order in non-collinear twodimensional antiferromagnets by random-bond disorder |
Daryna Dmytriieva | NMR of the two-dimensional S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet CuPOF |
Jacob Hornung | Splitting of the magnetic monopole excitation energy in spin ice |
Haijiao Hu | Synthesis und crystal growth of magnetic materials with strong spin-orbit coupling |
Lisa Leißner | Discovery of a high-pressure RuCl3 phase with complete cation disorder |
Lorenzo Pastori | Chiral Topological Phases from Artificial Neural Networks |
Urban Seifert | Fractionalized Fermi liquids and exotic superconductivity in the Kitaev-Kondo lattice |
Benjamin Wolba | Phase diagram of chiral antiferromagnets |
Christoph Wuttke | Large anomalous Nernst effect driven by Berry curvature in Mn3Ge |