Professor Dr Edeltraud Günther on public Nexus Seminar No. 41: "Measuring and Managing the Resource Nexus"

UNU-FLORES – in collaboration with PRISMA - Centre for Sustainability Assessment and Policy on behalf of the Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) – is delighted to invite you to the inaugural lecture of Professor Dr Edeltraud Guenther, as part of the Nexus Seminar Series.
The lecture will take place on Monday, 16 December 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at the TU Dresden, in the Festsaal of the Faculty of Business and Economics – Hülsse Bau, North Wing, 3rd floor.
The lecture will be moderated by Dr. F. M. Brouwer of Wageningen University and Research; scientific coordinator of SIM4NEXUS, and currently leading the Steering Committee of the Nexus Project Cluster.
Seasonal refreshments will be provided.
As the capacity of the venue is limited, and to reduce food waste, we ask that you please confirm your attendance by Monday, 2 December.
Please find below an abstract of Professor Guenther’s presentation:
Measuring and Managing the Resource Nexus
“UNU-FLORES is the go-to place for scientists and decision makers in search of a holistic resource nexus approach embracing water, soil, waste, energy and other geo-resources”
The Nexus Approach was developed based on the insight that by concentrating research solely on the productivity of single resources, the close intertwining and mutual dependencies of environmental resources are neglected – resulting in “thinking in sectoral silos”. Focusing on a single resource is not an effective solution to the challenges faced by water, food and/or energy security. The aim of the Nexus Approach is to overcome these silos in policy and decision making, and to consider trade-offs and the establishment of synergies across sectors. In accordance with this concept, UNU-FLORES aims to better understand and manage the nexus between natural resources and its subsequent ramifications. For a more holistic approach to the nexus to be understood and incorporated, it is necessary for scientists and policymakers to be made aware of the necessity of trade-offs and synergies, as well as the risks associated with ‘sectoral-silo’ thinking informing decision making. At this stage, both individual and institutional capacity development is imperative, however, knowledge can only be translated into action if the relevant information is identified and collected from and for different scientific backgrounds, and spatial and temporal scales; taking into account that not only must data collection be tackled, but also the sharing of data across countries and institutions.
New paths can only be taken if regulations determine and implement a clear boundary system.
In her presentation, Professor Dr Edeltraud Guenther will highlight the challenges to be faced in applying the resource nexus and future perspectives on resource nexus research.
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