Nov 01, 2022
4th Tutorial: Assessment and Examinations
The International Tutor Program's accompanying support offers a tutorial that assists students in all areas related to assessment and examinations at TU Dresden. These tutorials commence in November 2022. Your tutors will provide you with all the information you need to succeed in your faculty's examinations. You may also ask any questions you have regarding organisational matters, i.e. exam registration, exam regulations and exam preparation.
Starting now, you can check Opal for the date, time and location of your faculty's tutorial. Most of these tutorials will be face-to-face tutorials.
Please be aware that some tutorials will take place as video conferences via Big Blue Button.
If you have any questions in regard to these tutorials, do not hesitate to ask your tutors by sending them an e-mail.
TU Dresden's International Office wishes you great success in your exams!