Inheritances and personal documentations
Since their inception as an independent institution in 1952, the University Archives of TU Dresden strive to acquire inheritances of personalities who were closely linked with the university.
Meanwhile, in this group of stocks more than 100 inheritances, estates or personal collections from former professors, staff or alumni are documented.
The stock group of inheritances reflects the development of teaching and research of the Dresden educational institution. The University Archives are endeavouring to take over inheritances or collections from persons who were, or are, closely connected with TU Dresden.
The following inheritances are listed in alphabetical order and in detail in the part below.
Finding aids of the already processed records (inheritances) were uploaded as PDF and are therefore well searchable.
The usage of the archival materials is possible during the opening hours, upon request and prior appointment on-site (User Regulations). We would also like to refer to the Central Database of Records in the Federal Archives (Zentrale Datenbank Nachlässe - ZDN), which provides a comprehensive overview of the repositories stored in Germany.