Online editions on personal history
The University Archives presents online directories of important groups of people in the University's history:
Directory of Professors (1828-2021), Directory of Honorary Promoters (1900-2018), Directory with List of Students (1828-1945), Biographical Dictionary of PhD Students (1900-1945).

Personal history online
- In the online directory of honorary doctoral students for the period of 1900 to 2018 all honorary doctorates are recorded. Among them are renowned scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs, managers and politicians. For the lexicon, the records of the University Archives, the Saxon State Archives, the Federal Archives and the SLUB were analysed. In retrospect, it should be noted that some of the honorary doctorates are to be understood exclusively from their concrete temporal context and would not have been awarded after today's evaluations. Knowing their responsibility for a reflective treatment of their past, a further scientific and legal consideration of this topic is an obligation for the TU Dresden. The lexicon is constantly updated.
- With the list of professors, the already published print encyclopaedias of the professors (2003 for TU Dresden and 2003/2015 for the Faculty of Medicine) are constantly being updated. A total of over 3.400 records of professors from a period of almost two centuries were recorded in short form (personal data, area of appointment, appointment date, date of retirement). This database is the official public proof of the past and present appointments. The University Archives, together with their database, records, and the Weichold professor's catalogue secures the sources for these lexicons, and is available to advanced research for scientists, journalists, students and not least every interested citizen. As of September 2017, the complete list of TUD professors will be available for research in the past and present.
- In the online encyclopaedia of the doctoral candidates, all regular doctoral students of TH Dresden (total: 2.288) from the period of 1900 to 1945 are recorded with their biographies. The lexicon was developed mainly on the basis of the archival sources of the University Archives, the SLUB and the Saxon State Archives. The biographies show that the doctoral students have carried the excellent reputation of their alma mater all over the world, which has always been exemplary for its practical orientation, and have contributed to the fact that Saxony became a "country of engineers". It is planned to continue the encyclopaedia for the period after 1945.
- An online directory contains records of the students of Königlich Sächsische Technische Bildungsanstalt Dresden [Royal Technical Educational Establishment] until Königlich Sächsisches. Polytechnikum [Royal Polytechnic School] (predecessors of TU Dresden) for the period of 1828 to 1887. Among them are many future successful entrepreneurs. At the beginning of 2017, this online directory will be expanded with all students of TH Dresden until the matriculation year 1950.