Record transfers
For legal and historical reasons, all service documents that are ready for archiving and worthy of archiving must be offered to the University Archives of the TU Dresden for acquisition.
The archive is obliged by law to document the relevant administrative actions of the TU Dresden in their historical dimension in a comprehensible way. It thus contributes to legal certainty. At the same time, it is responsible for the evaluation and safeguarding of historical records for teaching and research in a national and international context. The University Archive is a public archive and can be visited personally in accordance with the user regulations and in compliance with data protection.
Hundreds of scientists, students and journalists from Germany and abroad use the archive's holdings every year for a wide range of questions on the history of science and its representatives at the university and its associated institutions.
With its large holdings of personal records, the archive makes a decisive contribution to legal security. These records are indispensable for the persons concerned, for example, for their further career or for account clarification with the pension insurance institution.