Table of contents
ZIH offers various services around domains and the Domain Name System (DNS).
DNS Resolver
ZIH operates DNS resolvers to resolve internal and external names in the Domain Name System (DNS).
Scope of Services
- Resolving of internal and external names in the Domain Name System (DNS)
- High available and redundant
- The service is available without application to any user of the campus network.
- All users of the campus network are entitled to this service.
- There are no special obligations or requirements.
- The service is offered free of charge.
Provisioning times
No provisioning necessary.
Support times
The opening hours of the Service Desk apply.
Support times
- Service is available 24/7.

Visiting address:
Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Room E036 Nöthnitzer Straße 46
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Support Center Digitalisierung
Service Desk
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday:
- 08:00 - 19:00
IP | Name | Role |
---|---|---| | | Primary DNS Resolver | | | Secondary DNS Resolver |
If settings are obtained automatically via DHCP in networks operated by ZIH, these resolvers are configured automatically.
ZIH in close collaboration with TUD-CERT blocks requests for malicous hostnames like well-known command & control server or phising sites.
DNS Name Management (Nameserver)
ZIH manages the domain and other Domains. For this ZIH operators several authoritative name servers. Entitled persons are allowed to request addition, changes or deletion of DNS records (Resource Records).
Scope of Services
- Creation / editing / deletion of DNS records
- Operation of the authoritative name servers
- All common record types
- Separate zones per request
- Informal application to the Service Desk
- All administators and service owners are entitled to this service
- Only requests from senders with "" e-mail address and signed e-mail will be processed.
- If a service / server is no longer used / has been decomissioned, the deletion of the associated DNS records must be requested soon thereafter.
- This service is free of charge.
Provisioning times
When all necessary approvals are available, provisions are usually made within one working day.
Support times
The opening hours of the Service Desk apply.
Support times
- Service is available 24/7.

Visiting address:
Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Room E036 Nöthnitzer Straße 46
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Support Center Digitalisierung
Service Desk
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday:
- 08:00 - 19:00
The DNS namespace has a hierarchical structure and its components are separated via dots. The namespace below the domain is also structured hierarchically and consists mainly of subdomains of organizational units (e. g. faculties or central units) of TU Dresden.
External domains
Under certain conditions, in addition to names or subdomains under the domain, other own domains with other domain extensions can also be used. In almost every case, such domains are used partially or exclusively for the provision of websites, which is why the application for domains is integrated into the application process for own websites in order to enable comprehensive advice with a central point of contact. The legal framework is provided by the Regulations for the Information Technology Equipment and Services and for Information Security at TU Dresden (IT Regulations) (Dated: February 18, 2021).
Scope of Services
- External domains according to the IT regulations
- Registration / Transfer / Termination
- all common Top-Level Domains (TLDs)
- Application is made informally via Service Desk
- All structural units of TU Dresden are entitled to this service
- Only requests from senders with "" e-mail address and signed e-mail willbe processed.
- For external domains, the financing security must be guaranteed (automatic renewal)
- The IT regulations of the TU Dresden apply.
- The term "TU Dresden" or "Technische Universität Dresden" may be used within the scope of the domain applications by the ZIH only.
- The costs depend upon the chosen registrar and desired TLD
- Long term financing must be guaranteed as the domains are automatically renewed (usually annually)
- DFN: Initial provisioning 36 €, 36 € anually pro rata since the day of registration
- INWX: According to the price list depending on the desired TLD
- Invoices are sent to the Central Invoice Receipt at a specified cost center
Provisioning times
When all necessary approvals are available, provisions are usually made within one week.
Support times
The Web Support opening hours apply.
Support times
- Service is available 24/7.

Visiting address:
Standort Nöthnitzer Straße, 4. OG, Raum 462 Nöthnitzer Straße 43
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Directorate Communication and Marketing,
Unit Web and Video
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday:
- 09:00 - 12:00
- 13:00 - 16:00
Providers (registrars)
Domains are procured exclusively by the ZIH after approval by the CDIO within the framework of the DFNinternet service at DFN-Verein e. V. or via a framework agreement with the contractual partner INWX GmbH & Co. KG via a framework agreement. Decentralised procurement of domains by the structural units is not planned. New registrations or renewals with other registrars are no longer permitted from 2021. Instead of a renewal, the domain must be transferred to one of the two authorised registrars as part of a provider change with the ZIH.
Domains with the domain extensions .de, .eu, .org, .com, .net, .info and others on request can be obtained via DFN. The costs are currently (as of 02/2021) EUR 36.00 net for the initial registration and EUR 36.00 net per year pro rata from the date of registration of the domain.
Domains with over 2.000 domain endings can be obtained via the framework agreement with INWX. The costs depend on the respective ending. The current prices for all available endings can be viewed in the INWX price list. For the TU Dresden, additional discounts may apply for corresponding volumes.
Endingspecific regulations
The registration organisations (registry) responsible for a domain extension, in the case of .de for example the DeNIC eG, have their own rules for domains with the respective extension. Please contact INWX to find out about the specific details for your desired domains. This includes special requirements (e.g. the holder of .eu domains must be an EU citizen/institution) and regulations regarding the storage, publication (e.g. via WHOIS) and forwarding of the domain holder's personal data and contact persons.
Authoritative DNS / name server
The authoritative DNS service (name server) for the domains is provided by the ZIH and the selected registrar (DFN or INWX). Information on changes and administration of DNS entries can be found there.