Digital Tools
Would you like to integrate TU Dresden’s digital tools in your courses, but you have questions about the selection, how each of the tools can be used, or what methods are most suited to your teaching? Contact us to discuss possibilities for optimizing existing OPAL courses or to develop individual solutions.
We can provide personalized in-person or online support with respect to working with OPAL, ONYX, VCS and other e-learning tools.
Your consulting team:
Sylvia Frin, Frank Richter, Ulrike Schirwitz

Team digitales Lernen und Lehren des ZiLL
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, K 42 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Zentrum für interdisziplinäres Lernen und Lehren
01062 Dresden